Page 43 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 43
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
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now to get your hands on these incredible together to maintain the skin’s health and about The Calm Cream and gain insight on
products through https://www.thebeard- natural beauty from the inside out. Enjoy it the entire August & Monroe collection, visit or check out Amazon for their warm or as a wonderful refresher served over August & Monroe on Amazon at https://
line of fabulous products at https://amzn. ice on a warm summer day.
to/3KxkHQO. Laura invites you to take your tea journey
to the next level by carving out time for 23. MyBevi
21. Modestine Tea yourself to enjoy your tea, reflect on the day, Around here, we can’t get through a day at
In our busy lives, there are times when we just and live in the present moment. For more the office without a large cup of joe. The only
need to take a moment and take a breath. information, visit their site at https://by- negative to filling your cup to the brim with
There is nothing that can calm you more than coffee is that it inevitably gets cold, and you
a nice warm cup of tea and time to reflect. find yourself on a constant microwave dance
Celebrating wellness, teatime rituals, and 22. August & Monroe to keep the comfort going. With MyBevi, you
womanhood, Modestine is more than just As someone with sensitive skin, I am always will keep that warm and cozy coffee going all
teas and teaware; they offer its community very cautious about trying new skin care day. What is also amazing is if you fill MyBevi
a safe place to ground yourself, nourish your products, however, the ingredients in August with a cold beverage, it will remain cold all
body, and inspire your spiritual growth. Deep- & Monroe’s Calm Cream changed my opinion day. So whether you like hot or cold drinks,
ly rooted in ritual, Modestine’s hand-blended, in an instant. The Calm Cream Vitamin B3 Gel MyBevi is the perfect choice.
organic wellness teas offer supportive healing Moisturizer rids your skin of redness and irri- Their Classic Tumblers have a copper
remedies that nurture your unique chapter of tation while creating a luminous skin texture coating on the inner liner to keep your
womanhood and act as a vessel for recon- unlike any other cream. Its lightweight for- beverage of choice warm or cold for hours.
necting to and honoring your divine self. mula includes Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, The design is sleek and fashionable, with a
The founder Laura Shanley is the ultimate and Oats. Their signature Calm Cream leaves chrome mirror paint finish. These classic tum-
tea expert. Laura is a certified Tea Sommelier your skin feeling renewed and blemish free. blers also come in a gift box, making them
trained under the guidance and leadership of It even shrinks pores and fades scares while the perfect item to top with a bow and give
a Buddhist Tea Master and Naturopathic Doc- treating hyperpigmentation. Not to mention, out as a last-minute birthday gift.
tor. Laura strongly suggests that one of the August & Monroe’s products are packaged Another eye-catching item from MyBevi
most important self-care routines you can ex- in refillable containers so you can help the is their Hollywood Tumbler. The Hollywood
perience is to carve time out for self-reflection planet while you help your complexion! Per- tumbler features a flashy jewel band that
and to focus on what we, as women, need. haps even more important than all the great brings glam to your everyday life. Made with
Sometimes it is as simple as sitting down ingredients included in the product are the BPA Free materials and a slide tab closure,
with a cup of tea and clearing our minds. This ones excluded, with no parabens, phthalates, this cup has a comfortable grip and fits per-
allows us to shut out the world around us for mineral oil, fragrance, or hydroquinone. If fectly in any car cup holder. These tumblers
just a small period of time. you need any clarification on the ingredients, are both practical and down-right addictive.
Modestine teas are organic and delicious. August & Monroe lives by their transparency Visit to shop the
We had the pleasure of experiencing the promise and includes an ingredient dictio- entire collection of designer tumblers and
Inner Glow No 222 tea. It is a skin-glowing nary on their website so you can know exact- canteens in every color today.
tonic with ingredients intentionally crafted ly what your skin is absorbing. To learn more
24. Tickle and Main