Page 46 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 46

Don’t Be the Judge of Me

                                         Article and Photos by Maggie Ramos

           You think you know me because    what comes out of me. It is not just a   er. I was surprised because she never
        we are acquaintances, or perhaps, we   bad, evil curse. I have learned that I   judged me, but instead, she supported
        might even be friends. How much     now understand that the sexual abuse  me in finding help to get through what
        do you really know about me? How    forced upon me was not my fault. I   I was experiencing.
        much have you learned about me? I   learned to forgive first myself and     Ten years ago, I was very shy
        bet I forgot to share with you that at   then those who disturbed my peace   and often withdrew from life. I was
        some point in my life, I was suicidal.   of mind and abruptly removed my   extremely depressed but tried to deal
        I’m sure you never suspected this fact   innocence. One too many times, I   with the depression alone.
        or that I have been a patient at Aurora   allowed the bad memories to return.   Things have changed now. I
        Behavior Health Care in San Diego,   Flashbacks worked their way into    constantly seek help when I feel de-
        California.                         my unconscious and interrupted my    pression creep in. I’m not shy, embar-
           You see, one early morning, I    sleep.                               rassed, or guilty about asking for help.
        attempted suicide. I’m surprised the    For many years, I did not believe   Instead, I’m eager to attend my next
        charges weren’t more serious than a   that I needed outside help and sup-  session. I became a better friend to my
        stay at Aurora for a few weeks. Al-  port. I could not accept the reality   therapists. At first, I was distrustful of
        though it was a short period of time, it   that I did, in fact, need mental health   them, but now I appreciate and respect
        was a good experience. The stay there   care. I never wanted to hear anyone   their advice and concern. A good
        allowed me to reflect upon the attempt  mention that they thought I needed   counselor doesn’t sit there and give
        and helped me realize it was worth   outside assistance.                 advice.
        staying in this world because there are   Things have changed now. I can    My therapists have allowed me to
        many beautiful reasons to stay and   now share with you my rough journey   think through my issues, talk them
        continue to be part of it.          and the way mental support found me.  over, and then choose my own direc-
           With time and lots of therapy, I   Nothing is by chance. I was directed   tion based on different points of view
        have learned to accept who I am and   to cognitive therapy by an old employ-  we have both discussed.

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