Page 51 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 51


                                         The Magic of Montepulciano

                                                       Dom Gagliardi
             The road dips and winds                           You spread out in front of  me
               undulating through verdant fields                 in concentric rings,
               as our car traverses the past and present,        as you grew over time.
               until within the silent distance                I trace the steps of  the narrow vicolo
               you appear perched upon the hill                  that spread from the spine
               in your medieval majesty                          of  your grand street
               with your red-tiled roofs huddled together.       and flow like rivulets on either side.
                                                               Grand arches hover over them
             Your gargantuan splendor looms large,               as they bolster the buildings on either side,
               as my heart races,                                where each step brings new wonder
               and my brain teases,                              as I attempt to know all your complexities.
               and the wheels turn faster in impatient anticipation.
             And then we crawl,                                The cyber cafe
               as we inch our way through your vein-like streets  where I sip my Vino Nobile is damp and cool.
               that stretch from your heart past San Biagio.   Its ancient thick block walls present a juxtaposition.
                                                               I wonder of  the geometric genius
             The villa I now call home                           that erected the space more than five centuries ago,
               still clings to your western wall,                when the brain and strained muscle sinew
               as I soak in the rays                             conquered the lack of  tools.
               and dream of  an Etruscan sun of  two thousand years ago
               when your first fertile roots dug deep          Beneath my fingers lies the silver box
               hoping for safe haven from invading Barbarians.   that will take me anywhere when I press its keys.
                                                               Its coded genius of  zeroes and ones
               You hover between the Val d’Oro and Val di Chiana  confounds my intellect too,
               as my eyes slide down your gentle folds           while I abuse it without understanding it,
               to the valleys below,                             appreciating the extolled praise of  its ability
               pleated like a long gown,                         as noteworthy and deserved.
               bejeweled with rows of  cypress
               in your narrow creases.                         But I venture back almost a thousand years
                                                                 and am just as perplexed by what I see.
             Your gates once locked to save you                The battle between knowledge and imagination
               from your enemies both Florentine and Sienese,    looms larger as I wonder if  we are any smarter.
               now welcome your guests with open arms.         Our knowledge builds and bears more progress,
             The battle for your unbridled beauty left you wounded,  but I consider the man in his own context
               but scarred with marvelous treasures,             to wonder where the true genius lies.
               as conquering noble families competed
               to out rule each other                          As we wallow in the conceits of  our greatness
               and leave you more magnificent than the time before.  and submerge ourselves
             Within the legacy of  this architectural collage,   in the virtues of  our science,
               the Florentines persist in the scattered relics   we continue to ignore the greatest leaps of  faith
               of  the Giglio and marzocco and palazzi.          with condescension and irreverence
                                                                 as we bury ourselves in smug ignorance.
             I roam the cobblestone corso
               climbing from your Porta al Prato               1) San Biagio Church-Renaissance-style church outside the walls of
               to your apex at Piazza Grande.                     Montepulciano
             The ache in my legs                               2) giglio—lily flower
               and my shortness of  breath                     3) marzocco—heraldic lion that is symbol of  Florence
               are like a tumult in my brain,                  4) palazzi-palaces
               where I picture                                 5) Val d’Oro and Val di Chiang-two valleys on either side of
               the muscled thighs and sun-charred shoulders       Montepulciano
               of  dusty, beaded-sweated men                   6) Porta al Prato—main gate into walled town of  Montepuliciano
               chiseling, cutting, carrying stone              7) Piazza Grande—main square in Montepulciano
               and travertine to compose the masterpieces      8) Vicolo-narrow passage
               that now stand before me                        9) Vino Nobile-short for Vino Nobile di Montepulciano wine
               and overwhelm my comprehension,
               each building like a fortress unto itself.

                                    These selections are from the forthcoming collection titled “Reflections from the Edge”.
                                     To join the interest list for its first publication, contact me at    51
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