Page 4 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 4
Letter From the Editor Letters to the
Dear Readers, I was so happy to read the article
We are all in the midst of the holiday season and about your cover girl. I used to think
spending time with family and friends. It is a refreshing only really wealthy people could
change from the past year of quarantines and stay-at- have financial planners. It is nice to
home orders. Although we are not yet out of the woods, know that a planner can help build
wealth. I will make an appointment
it is nice to be able to see loved ones whom we have with my husband to make sure we
missed, and maybe even spend some time shopping in are handling our money as best we
person, instead of online. can. Maria from Vista
Photo by Lisa K. Miller who is the Senior Vice President of Sales and Education marvelous idea. I will be sure to
You will fall in love with our Cover Girl Amy Haber,
for Senté, a well-known and respected medical-grade
Women’s Choice Awards are a
skincare company. Not only are their products amazing,
as we were lucky enough to get a chance to try them, but
check the site before making any fu-
they have a corporate culture that would make any-
one proud to be a part of this company. Amy loves her ture appointments.
Carol from San Diego
company and every single person who works with her,
and they feel the same. She is probably one of the most fun-loving individuals you will ever I thank you for having a Kid’s
imagine, (Yes, she is known to do cartwheels to congratulate her co-workers for a job well section, and I especially loved the
done.) On the personal side, she has a beautiful family and has also shared with us some poem by Kiera Donnelly. I made my
amazing photos of her recent safari embarked on with them. You will love to learn more 13-year-old niece read it and I could
and will be amazed at just a few of the photos she took to commemorate this landmark tell that it resonated with her. Those
ages are so tough, especially on girls.
If you are looking for ways to stay safe and healthy through our colder months, you Lana from Point Loma
cannot miss reading our “Ask Dr. Sudi” column. As always, Dr. Sudabeh Moein has pro-
I love your fabulous finds sec-
vided some invaluable information on how we can protect ourselves through a tougher than tion, especially at this time of year.
normal cold and flu season, assuring we will be in shape to face anything that may come It gives me great ideas for Christmas
our way. You will be amazed at the information she shares, and has even included links to presents.
some of her favorite videos and podcasts which will astound you. June from Oceanside
Take some time to look over our expanded military section, “Under the Colors,” and
find out what some of our local San Diego natives are up to overseas. View some breath- Dr. Moein sounds like the type
taking photos of our men and women in action protecting our country. of doctor I have been looking for. I
Check out our latest section called “Fantastic Flash Fiction” read and enjoy the short feel embarrassed to talk to my cur-
stories of Shelley Burbank, a local San Diego writer, who tells us a story in under 300 rent doctor about such issues, but
words. For those of you with the writing bug, we would love to see submissions for our next now that I know those symptoms are
issue. This genre allows even busy readers to enjoy some moments of escape through these normal, I will have the conversation.
Thanks, Dr. Moein.
short, short stories.
Who do you think are the ten most powerful women? Read Carol Heath’s pick of her Sonia from La Mesa
favorites. We would love to share your opinions in our next issue. So, don’t be shy, tell us
what women you admire most. Solvang seems like such a great
In closing, I would like to thank all of our readers, writers, advertisers, and staff for town. We have planned to take a
trip there in April. We are so afraid
their continued support over the past year. It has been a tough year, with too many losses to travel out of the country but this
and a lot of changes to our lives. It has not been easy for any of us. We have all learned to seems to be a local spot with a Nor-
work independently and we have learned to rely on Zoom to work together effectively and wegian feel. The whole family will be
to stay in touch with coworkers and loved ones. A lot of hugs were missed, and high fives able to experience this together.
absent during this time. I would like to thank all of you for staying with us and keeping Lori Ann from UTC
San Diego Woman Magazine alive and well amidst a tough economic time.
From our family to yours, we wish you a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy, Reading an article about the
Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. problems between brothers and
sisters really hit home. I come from
Big Hugs, a big family with six siblings and it
Judith A. Habert seems as if there is always one of us
not speaking to another. Guess our
family is not all that different than
Carmela from Escondido