Page 5 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 5


                                     an and a freelance writ-  emotional.  Maggie  creates   true-life profile for a news-
                                     er out of Carlsbad, CA. She   art based on self experienc-  paper or journal, dreaming
                                     loves to document topics of   es and from experiences of   up a flash fiction or novel, or
                                     health and fitness, entrepre-  those around her. 760-695-  helping a client write a mem-
                                     neurship, and body image.   2525. Artbymaggieramos@  oir, Shelley's mission is to
                                     Her dream is to have a not-              share stories about creative
                                     for-profit  which  empowers                         and talented people who are
                                     young girls to focus on their                       pursuing their goals: artists,
                Carol Heath          goals in the business world.                        craftspeople, entrepreneurs,
           Carol is a Certified Clinical                                                 designers, thought-leaders,
           Master/Teacher; she is cer-                                                   influencers, teachers, schol-
           tified in a  myriad of alter-                                                 ars, and healers. Learn more
           native modalities including                                                   on her website at www.Shel-
           Color and Sound therapy,                                            
           Chakra therapy, Reflexology,
           Cranial and Lomi lomi mas-                             Amanda Sanders
           sage and developed her own                          Amanda Sanders is a dis-
           hands on healing method.                            tinguished  fashion  consul-
                                           Dawn Nicoli         tant and is among the most
                                     For over 20 years Dawn has   trusted personal shoppers
                                     owned and operated Nico-  in NYC. As well as being a
                                     li Productions, an environ-  personal shopping and style
                                     mental portrait studio, run   expert, Amanda is the lead   Robin Dohrn Simpson
                                     out of her two-acre proper-  stylist for New York Image   Although she is an Ameri-
                                     ty in Escondido. Starting a   Consultant, an image and   can, she claims the world as
                                     new chapter of her life, when   wardrobe consulting com-  her home. She has traveled

                 Gerald Neff         serenity has become so im-  pany.                   to 72 countries, taken doz-
                                     portant, Dawn spends her
           With more than 40 years liv-  time in her palapa tree house                   ens of cruises throughout
           ing and working in South                                                      the world, and backpacked
           America in the agricul-   with  her  dog,  Karma.  ex-                        around the world with her
           ture and forestry business.   ploring the world of writing.                   husband.
           topped  off  with  25  years                                                  Besides constantly search-
           in the U.S. Em- bassy and                                                     ing  for  new  adventure  on
           Peace Corps. His writ-ing
           experience  includes local                                                    new corners of the world,
           publi-cations and years of                              Shelley Burbank       her passion includes intro-
           U.S. Embassy re-ports; so                           Shelley Burbank is an eclec-  ducing people to new places
           sit back and enjoy the ride.                        tic writer of fiction and non-  in the world, learning about
           Gerald Neff can be contact-                         fiction. She has been pub-  other peoples and cultures
           ed at 760 796 4877..          Maggie Ramos          lished in the confession   around the world and tast-
                                     Maggie  Ramos  is  a  student   market and in little & liter-  ing other cuisines and wine
                                     at MiraCosta College and   ary magazines, and she was   (although not liking all of
                                     is artistically multi talented.   a regular contributing writ-  them!). Her travel writing
                                     She is a great writer, paint-  er  for  a  weekly  newspaper   has appeared in print, on-
                                     er and a skilled photogra-  where she covered news,   line  travel  media  and  her
                                     pher, thanks to several re-  arts, and features. Shelley's   own blog.
                                     cent courses. She puts her   work as a memoir ghostwrit-  She loves to scrapbook,
               Jaime V. Habert       soul and heart in every piece   er led to her client's publica-  teach Tai Chi and Yoga and
           Jaime is the Managing Ed-  she creates. Her art and writ-  tion by a traditional academ-  tries to live a yogic lifestyle.
           itor of San Diego Wom-    ing pieces tend to be very   ic press. Whether penning a
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