Page 10 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 10

Women of Distinction

        innovation and for increasing access to   needs capital, you can come to our website   Over the years Marisa has been
        opportunities and services. You know, the   as well. If you are a bank that wants to   involved with several Latino groups
        organization as a whole is very entre-  work with us, to provide us with resources   including the National Association of
        preneurial. It’s a place of comfort for me   and capital so that we can do more of the   Hispanic Real Estate Professionals where
        because I come from an environment that   work that we do, there is a spot for that on   she worked for nearly a decade and more
        was very focused on being entrepreneur-  our website too.”               recently Latinas Lead California, which is
        ial. So, it's nice to be able to do that and                             an organization that focuses on electing
        to have the motivation that focuses on                                   more Latinas. “It is a non-partisan group
        doing well by doing good, instead of being                               that is not focused on getting more Repub-
        purely profit motivated.”                                                lican or more Democratic Latinas. We are
           I asked Marisa how she arrived at                                     solely focused on getting more Latinas
        her current position. “Well, the short                                   elected. We support Latina candidates in
        answer is that someone that I've known                                   any election race whether for Congress,
        for the better part of a decade, knew of                                 assembly, or city council. It’s inspiring to
        my history and background and when the                                   work with a group of women who are so
        position became available contacted me.                                  passionately focused on lifting one another
        As a young person in college, I thought                                  up, especially those who come from mod-
        that all you had to do to be successful and                              est means that have shared cultural expe-
        to accomplish your goals was to just work                                riences, but haven't had the opportunity
        hard. What I learned over time is that it                                to amass the resources that one needs to
        is certainly important and, you're more                                  run for office.” As a former congressional
        likely to get ahead and accomplish your                                  candidate, Marisa can speak firsthand as
        goals if you do that, but that's only part                               to the difficulty to fundraise when you are
        of the equation. The company you keep is                                 working day to day to support your family.
        equally important, as well, and being really                             This organization offers qualified candi-
        intentional about engaging with people   Through both NCRC CDF and       dates the opportunity to run for office.
        both professionally and personally who   NCRC, Marisa remains focused on    Currently, Marisa spends a lot of time
        are aligned with your goals and values.   addressing affordable housing needs and   offering mentorship and guidance for
        Growing these connections to authentic   the critical affordable housing inventory   other women of all stripes. “I feel it is my
        relationships is an authentic way for you   shortage, including through current work   responsibility to lift other women up, to
        to be of service, to learn from others, and   on the Build Back Better package.  “When   provide coaching and guidance or connect
        grow. Building a strong network is critical   people say affordable housing, a lot of   them with resources whether they're
        to building social capital, but is certainly   times what folks hear is affordable rental   entrepreneurs, people I work with, people
        not something that I ever thought about   housing. While this is important, it’s one   that are part of my professional circle, or
        or talked about as a young person. Black   component of affordable housing. Many   even my family members. I feel like I have
        and Latino entrepreneurs, especially   challenges people face stem from the   been fortunate to accomplish a lot of the
        women, are more likely to be impacted by   wealth gap that exists, and the cornerstone   things that I have wanted to accomplish
        a social capital deficit that affects access to   of wealth creation in this country is home-  in my career so far. Because of that, I have
        funding and long term business viability.   ownership. When you own a home, you   a platform and access to knowledge and
        Creating solutions to solve for this is one   can build equity which can help to pay for   resources that others don't necessarily
        of the things that drew me to NCRC and   college, start a business and provide inter-  have. I feel a tremendous responsibility to
        my journey here is evidence that having   generational wealth. Increasing opportu-  support other women and I don’t take this
        a strong professional network is a vital   nities for homeownership both affordably   lightly. I'm very intentional about making
        component to professional success.”  and responsibly for communities that are   sure that those around me that want that
           NCRC CDF is a great source of infor-  otherwise shut out of those opportunities   sort of support and guidance receive it.”
        mation for small businesses and housing   is one way I work toward bridging the   Getting to know Marisa was such a
        developers. “Entrepreneurs looking for   racial wealth gap.”             joy. It is clear that she loves and believes
        guidance or capital can come to our web-  With homelessness being at an all-  in what she does. “I would say I live in a
        site at   time high the work that Marisa does with   space of gratitude. I work at a place with
        The technical assistance that we provide to   NCRC is so important. “It is a critical issue  great people who care deeply and work
        borrowers is free of cost. There are educa-  to solve. Honestly, as a society, we should   hard to develop solutions to bridge the
        tional resources that will help small busi-  never be okay with the fact that there   racial wealth gap. All of the people that I
        ness owners. If you are a small business   are people that don't have a safe place   work with come to our organization from
        that needs a loan, there's a mechanism for   to live, and that contributes to so many   a good place and they're really smart,
        applying for a loan on our website. If you   other problems that they might face that   hardworking, passionate people who want
        are a housing developer that wants to work  wouldn't otherwise be there if they had a   to be a part of building a just economy.”
        with us in terms of being a partner and   safe place to live.”

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