Page 13 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 13

Women of Distinction

        thankful for being able to help   moved on to another company   zational chart, the Chairman of   can do to help support others
        each and every one of them to   called NuFace, which is based   the Board is usually at the top.   to help facilitate their success.
        find their purpose and hone   in San Diego. Their product is a   However, in our company, you   I have Monday calls with each
        their skills. For Amy, it was   handheld micro-current device.   need to flip that upside down. I   member of my team just to get
        more about having fun.  “Life is   It is a great company, who pro-  work for you, because if you love  them motivated and focused.
        so short, and you spend more   duces a great device.  what you do, then you want to   I try to do all the grunt work
        time with the people that you   Amy loved working in   come to work every day, and I   for them, so they can just do
        work with than your own family.  the medical area and was very   know I can always count on you.   what they need to do. I don't
        So, I was the kooky one that   happy there. That was until one   You'll go to war for me.’ So, I   require a lot from them as far
        would do cartwheels through   of her reps who worked with   will do everything I can to make   as reporting goes because they
        the sales floor and put mirrors   SENTÉ approached her about   every day an amazing experi-  are adults, and we have to trust
        on my team’s desk so they could   considering a change and going   ence. It's been five years and I   them; trust what they're doing,
        look at themselves as a reminder   to work for SENTÉ. She told   am in heaven, and Faheem has   trust their process and be there
        to always be smiling while they   Amy what an amazing company   lived every single word he said   to help support them and their
        were on customer phone calls.”  it was with great products and   during that initial meeting, and   journey. We typically have
           It was her close relation-  exceptional technology. As with   I feel so blessed to work for this   one-on-one calls to see what
        ships with her workers that   most good sales professionals,   company.”          I can do to help them, to find
        ended up bringing her to subse-  they rarely give up, so after she   Laurent Combredet, the   out what they need and what
        quent sales positions. “My boss   hounded Amy for a bit, she   CEO. was my boss for the first   they are feeling excited about.
        at the time was Mike Larrain.    decided to have a conversation   4 years at SENTÉ.  He is an   I try to find something that
        He has been a huge influence   with SENTÉ.  “I met with the   incredible leader and has led this  they accomplished during the
        in my life. To this day, he is still   owners of the company Faheem   company through an incredibly   previous week and make sure
        my mentor. He said, guess what?   Hasnain, who is the chairman of   trying time, never breaking a   that they know how appreciative
        We're leaving, we're going to   the board, and Laurent Combre-  sweat – he always remained   I am. The company culture is
        Dermalogica. And I'm like, no,   det who is the CEO.  From the   optimistic, and I would follow   extremely important to me, and
        we're not. And he said, yes, we   moment that I met with them;   him anywhere.  In the past year,   it trumps revenue all day, any
        are. You're coming with me. He   I knew that this would be my   we brought on a COO named   day.  They've got to have a great
        was very influential in my life   forever home. In this meeting,   Zubin Meshginpoosh who is   place to go to work every day
        and my career. So, of course, I   Mr. Hasnain said two things   my current boss.  He has taught   and want to be here.”
        went with him to Dermalogica   that really stuck out in my mind,   me more in the past year than I   When Amy speaks of her
        and loved working there.  I was   and keep in mind that this is the   have learned in my entire career.    team it is obvious how import-
        there for about four years as   most humble salt of the earth   We joke and call ourselves the   ant they are to her.  “They are
        District Manager. Mike then   human being that you will ever   wonder twins – we have dubbed   my everything and they teach
        informed me, that it was time   meet in your entire life. He has   ourselves ZAMY.  He is one   me every day, how to be a better
        for another move.  We were   been in the biotech industry for   of the kindest, smartest and   boss, how to succeed, how
        going to L’Oréal where I held the   many years, he's bought and   most selfless bosses I have ever   to over-come obstacles how
        position of VP of Sales.”  sold many companies. But he   worked for.              to laugh and what resilience
           This time when Mike left   said two things that resonated   I asked Amy what a typical   means. It was Faheem who first
        L’Oréal, I wasn’t able to follow   in my mind. Number one was   day looks like at SENTÉ.  “I   used the word resilience on one
        him since his contract had a   ‘We hire smart people so they   think the thing that is so phe-  of our calls, and it really reso-
        clause, which did not allow him   can tell us what to do, not so we   nomenal about this company,   nated with me.  The truth is that
        to take any of the employees with   can tell them what to do.’ And   and what I'm doing is that there   without my team, I wouldn’t be
        him for three years, so that was   the second thing he said was,   is no such thing as an average   where I am today.”
        where our partnership ended. I   ‘when you look at the organi-  day. To me, it's all about what I   I asked Amy how her team
                                                                                          Photos Courtesy of Amy Haber

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