Page 16 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 16

Women of Distinction

        salon odors.  It is noticeably non-toxic, and   Some of her supplemental ingredients   their hair felt, or that it looked better than it
        a breath of fresh air.  Literally.  help with detox and balancing, and some   had in a long time.  All in all, it’s been a very
           But then, around 2015, she began to   promote hair growth.  “My clients love the   unanimous, positive reaction, and even I’m
        experience hair loss.  Unable to pinpoint   fact that it contains zero chemicals, covers   still sometimes amazed at the results we’re
        the cause by her doctor, she decided to try   their gray, and is completely pure.  Some   getting.”
        detoxing.  “I made a decision that I would   have noticed that their hair is not as gray as   And naturally, another benefit of her
        try to completely detox from all chemicals,   before. It promotes a healthy scalp, improves   hair color is that it is better for the environ-
        both from food and the products I was us-  the texture, protects and thickens the hair,   ment. “For people who are concerned about
        ing.  I even stopped coloring my hair.”  The   and leaves the client with a vibrant look.”  our environment, if they're using chemical
        problem with cutting out her hair color was   This organic hair color only produces   hair colors, they need to realize that these
        that she also had some gray hair.  She didn’t   natural colors.  So the trendy pink, blue,   harmful chemicals are being washed down
        want to go gray.                                                         the drain when they rinse out their hair.
           So Mindy began to research again.                                     Our pure-plant hair color has zero chem-
        This time looking for a hair color that                                  icals.  Washing it down the drain does not
        would be 100% free of chemicals.  And                                    cause any negative effects to the environ-
        again, it took some time, but she eventually                             ment.”
        did discover something new.  Ironically                                     When we were wrapping up Min-
        it was also something old, a hair coloring                               dy asked me to consider just how many
        process that has been in use for thousands                               different chemicals we put into our bodies
        of years.  This ancient process comes purely                             every day.  I wasn’t really sure.  “The average
        from plants.  “The more I studied it the                                 woman uses over a hundred different chem-
        more excited I became.  I find it amazing                                icals every day.”  I guess that’s not surprising
        that hair color can be achieved purely from                              when you think about it.  Just take a look
        plants, yield beautiful results, and provide                             at the number of ingredients contained
        such great health benefits to hair and scalp.                            in your shampoos, conditioners, deodor-
        This was a whole new way of doing things,                                ants, makeup, body lotions, hair color, and
        and it seemed to have great promise.”                                    processed food.  Just think about how many
           She began testing a variety of combi-                                 times over her lifetime a woman might
        nations, in different amounts, to see what                               color her hair.
        colors would be produced.  She (and some                                    Her point was well taken.  It seems a
        willing and enthusiastic clients) were her                               monumental task to try and avoid chemicals
        guinea pigs.  She continued to scour for   and purple hair cannot be achieved.  Also,   in our everyday modern lives.  At least when
        information, which turned out to be very   this will not lighten hair color.  However,   it comes to hair color, there is now a healthy
        limited, trying to learn as much as she   for people who want highlights, Mindy has   alternative.  This could be the answer you
        could.  It did not come easy, but she did find   developed a technique to utilize a client’s ex-  are looking for if you have allergies to
        resources that helped her understand the   isting natural gray hair, to create highlights.    traditional hair colors, or if you have health
        processes, methods, and formulations.  The results are beautiful and natural.  issues that may put you at risk by using toxic
           As she fine-tuned her color formulas,   As for how long it lasts compared to   chemicals, or if you are pregnant, or a cancer
        she also began adding various nutrients,   chemical dyes, I asked if her clients needed   survivor, or if you simply want the benefit of
        which support the health of hair and scalp.    to visit the salon more often.  “No, not at   a fully chemical-free organic product.  You
        Her product has become a hair and scalp   all.  In fact, it's the opposite.  Traditional hair   no longer have to sacrifice your health or the
        treatment that colors the hair.  “I added   color dissolves the hair cuticle, damaging   health of our planet.
        nutrients, and supplements, because of my   it and causing the artificial pigment to fade   When Mindy chose the name of her
        own experience with hair loss.  I wanted to   faster.  Our pure-plant hair color doesn’t   salon, she chose the word MAI because, in
        create beautiful colors, but also turn it into   do that, it binds to the cuticle.  It doesn’t   Vietnamese, the MAI Blossom flower rep-
        a beneficial treatment for hair and scalp”.    strip the hair.  Basically, it adds a protective   resents beauty, purity, and longevity.  These
        Mindy lives a healthy and holistic lifestyle,   layer to the hair, which makes the color lasts   goals are the guiding principles of MAI
        and she was able to add her knowledge   longer.”                         Blossom Organic Salon.
        from that to help create this healthful,   With such a revolutionary process
        nutrient-dense hair color.  “This product   compared to the status quo, I was curious   MAI Blossom Organic Salon is located
        is so different.  It is really a hair coloring   what her clients thought when she first   in Point Loma.  They offer haircuts,
        treatment mask.”                    started offering this product.  “They loved   styling, and their incredible Fully
           “When you put chemicals on your skin   it.  They couldn’t believe how we could   Organic Chemical-Free Hair Color.
        and scalp, they are all absorbed into the   produce such amazing results without the   Mindy is available by appointment.
        bloodstream.  The plant-based hair color   use of chemicals.  After they had their hair   You can contact her at 619-222-1000 or
        has no chemicals, it’s not made in a lab.  It   processed the first time, they would often   by email at
        comes straight from plants.”        comment on how much healthier, or thicker,   Visit their site at

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