Page 21 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 21
Women of Distinction
they are just rearranging their own
furnishing. It occurred to me that
we could go in there and we could
tell them what to take out and how
to move some things around and use
items they already had to make their
home look beautiful. The transfor-
mation was amazing. What is a huge
plus to Styling versus Staging is that
we did what previously cost $15,000
for around $300-$500 dollars.
Cheryl’s business was growing
rapidly and then Covid hit, but she before after
did not let that stop her. She was able
to work remotely, “Clients and agents
would call me, and they would say,
do you think you could possibly do it
remotely? So, I figured out a way to
make it work. The clients would send
me photos and I could see what the
rooms looked like. And then I had
a conversation with them for about
45 minutes in which we would talk
about what my suggestions would
be to create a more buyer-friendly
environment in their homes. This also
allowed us to work with out-of-state
clients, a part of our business that
didn’t exist for us before the Pandem- after
ic. We did some homes in Maryland,
Florida, and Washington and the list We give them some amazing tips, and
kept growing.” time to execute our suggestions. Then
It does make sense that clients before we go back to their home just before
would be happier using their own their listing agent schedules their home
furnishings to style the house. Some- something as simple as suggesting the photos and often do some last-min-
times we just keep buying new things sellers buy some new throw pillows to ute tweaks. This guarantees that their
for our home without realizing that add a touch of color to a room makes a home will look amazing.”
simple and uncluttered might be huge difference. Frequently the clients Cheryl works with homeowners
better. It definitely has been proven will ask us to do a similar style for and real estate agents. Many agents
that a house is more desirable when it them in their new home, as they love will use their services because they
appears open and spacious. So, when what we did with the furniture in their know that having the house styled by
an expert comes in and uses their old home.” Cheryl and her team will guarantee a
knowledge of design and a keen sense So how does the Styling process fast sale. The homeowners are thrilled
of what buyers are looking for, the sale work? “What we do is a two-part when they find out that someone who
is guaranteed to occur faster. process. We go to the home the first knows the market is going to give
“We aren’t bringing in new furni- time and meet the homeowners and them direction for the mutual goal
ture. They're not changing the whole we tell them very, very nicely, what we of selling their house quickly. They
place, they're using what they have, recommend. We don’t want to insult no longer have to worry about what
but they're placing furniture in differ- them regarding their decorating ability. would look good because they have
ent places, filling spots that are bare Sometimes they need a new paint color Cheryl direct them. This takes a huge
and empty. We can tell them what to or a change in flooring. Sometimes amount of anxiety away from the
pack and what to leave in the house. just removing area rugs and show- seller. Cheryl is very hands-on and
Often clients are unsure what will ing the natural wood floors below remains available by text or phone
make their home look most appealing. will make a significant difference. It’s while her homeowner or agent is
My clients often have wonderful pieces amazing how receptive they are to our working on the home. So, if they
of furniture and art, but they may get suggestions. The homeowners take have questions or concerns, she is just
lost amongst the clutter. Sometimes notes as we walk through the home. a call or text away.