Page 22 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 22
Women of Distinction
room or guest room. It is never good
to have each room a different color.
Just pick one or two colors and weave
them through the house.
The second thing I would say is
that decluttering is very important. I
have to be careful about saying that
though, because if you declutter you
may run the risk of getting rid of
some items that may be interesting
and may become eye-catching in
an otherwise sterile room. Also, be
before after aware of items in the home that may
be outdated and remove those.
The third suggestion is to empha-
size the size of the room. It’s always
important to make the rooms look
larger which often happens when
you get rid of excess furniture. Think
about putting extra pieces in storage
to make the house look roomier.
Sometimes removing area rugs will
also make the room look more spa-
Many of Cheryl’s clients are real-
tors who offer her services to sellers
as part of their listing agreement.
before after This shows sellers that they are as in-
terested in assuring a quick sale as the
homeowner. For many agents having
the ability to work with Cheryl is an
added benefit to acquiring the listings
they desire.
If you are selling your home,
put yourself at a great advantage by
bringing Cheryl and her team in to
assure a speedy and prosperous re-
sult. Also, keep in mind that Cheryl
offers interior and exterior design for
anyone who just wants to spruce up
their home even if they are not plan-
ning to sell. You will be thrilled with
before after the results!
Styling can be done not only their landscaping. Her clients realize
inside the house, but also on the that sometimes a very small change Contact her today at:
outside. When you consider how can make a huge difference. Cheryl Holmes
beautiful San Diego’s weather is, most I asked Cheryl if she could share Founder/CEO
residence love spending as much a few tips with us as to how to make Styling Houses, Inc.
time as possible outdoors. Styling the your home more desirable when it
outside of a house can often be as im- is on the market. “A pop of color is 858-395-9034
portant as the inside when appealing always good, and you should keep it
to a buyer. Cheryl will work to make consistent throughout the home. It Instagram: Stylinghouses,inc
their yards look amazing, showing off makes your house appear more put Website:
extras on a house like a pool, jacuzzi, together, more cohesive. If you pick Facebook: Stylinghouses, inc
or built-in barbeques. She will even yellow pillows on the couch, then LinkedIn: Cheryl Holmes
go as far as to make suggestions about consider yellow pillows in your bed-