Page 23 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 23
Mendoza-Cano attended Kear- With more than 90 percent
ny High School and graduated in of all trade traveling by sea, and
2014. Today, Mendoza-Cano uses 95 percent of the world’s interna-
skills and values similar to those tional phone and internet traffic
found in San Diego. carried through fiber optic cables
“I come from a very cultural- lying on the ocean floor, Navy of-
ly-diverse environment,” said Men- ficials continue to emphasize that
doza-Cano. "This helped me adjust the prosperity and security of the
to Navy life because I have a better United States is directly linked to
understanding of different cul- a strong and ready Navy.
tures and personalities each mem- According to Chief of Naval
ber carries with them." Operations Adm. Mike Gilday,
These lessons have helped four priorities will focus efforts
Mendoza-Cano while serving in on sailors, readiness, capabilities,
the Navy supporting the P-8 Pose- and capacity.
idon mission. “For 245 years, in both calm
The P-8 Poseidon mission is and rough waters, our Navy has
San Diego native to conduct maritime patrol and stood the watch to protect the
homeland, preserve freedom of Oceanside native
reconnaissance as well as long-
life,” said Gilday. “The decisions serves with Navy
serves at Naval Air range anti-submarine warfare, an- the seas, and defend our way of
ti-surface warfare and intelligence
Station Whidbey gathering missions. They deploy and investments we make this Medicine in Pacific
decade will set the maritime bal-
around the globe to monitor the
Island world’s oceans wherever they are ance of power for the rest of this Northwest
needed. century. We can accept nothing
By Alvin Plexico, Navy Office of The P-8A Poseidon, the Navy’s less than success.” By Mass Communication Spe-
Community Outreach newest maritime, patrol and recon- Mendoza-Cano and other cialist 1st Class Jerry Jimenez,
naissance aircraft, is a replacement sailors have many opportuni- Navy Office of Community
OAK HARBOR, Wash. – Petty aircraft for the legacy P-3C “Orion”. ties to achieve accomplishments Outreach
Officer 3rd Class Maura Mendo- According to Navy officials, lever- during their military service.
za-Cano, a native of San Diego, aging the experience and technol- “The accomplishment I am BREMERTON, Wash.– Petty
California, is serving with the U.S. ogy of the successful P-3C “Orion” most proud of is being nominat- Officer 1st Class Paul Delacruz,
Navy’s cutting-edge maritime pa- with the needs of the fleet, the P-8A ed for Junior Sailor of the Quarter a native of Oceanside, Califor-
trol and reconnaissance aircraft is designed to be combat-capable, for two quarters in a row,” said nia, serves the U.S. Navy at Navy
squadron in Oak Harbor, Wash- and to improve an operator’s ability Mendoza-Cano. "I am especially Medicine Readiness and Training
ington. to efficiently conduct anti-subma- proud of my first nomination be- Command (NMRTC)/Naval Hos-
Mendoza-Cano joined the Navy rine warfare; anti-surface warfare; cause I was nominated while be- pital Bremerton (NHB).
two years ago. Today, Mendoza- and intelligence, surveillance and ing temporarily assigned to a de- Delacruz joined the Navy 17
Cano serves as a yeoman. reconnaissance missions. partment that had no relation to years ago. Today, Delacruz serves
“Before joining the Navy, I Serving in the Navy means my normal job. The second time I as a hospital corpsman at Navy
worked on the Naval base in San Mendoza-Cano is part of a world was nominated was shortly after Hospital Bremerton.
Diego, and I could see the carriers that is taking on new importance returning to my department, and “I was inspired to join the
when they would go on deploy- in America’s focus on rebuilding that proved my hard work and Navy by having friends showing
ment and return to homeport,” military readiness, strengthening dedication was noticed." me the opportunities the Navy
said Mendoza-Cano. "I remember alliances and reforming business As Mendoza-Cano and other provides,” said Delacruz.
thinking how amazing that was! I practices in support of the Nation- sailors continue to train and per- Delacruz attended Vista High
truly wanted to be part of that en- al Defense Strategy. form the missions to support na- School and graduated in 2003.
vironment and wear the uniform." “The Navy has lots of plat- tional defense, they take pride in Today, Delacruz uses skills and
Mendoza-Cano serves with forms that assist in protecting the serving their country in the Unit- values similar to those found in
Maritime Patrol Squadron Four nation's interest and allies,” said ed States Navy. Oceanside.
Six, a high-tech maritime pa- Mendoza-Cano. "Being a part of a “Serving in the Navy is a very “The lessons I learned from
trol and reconnaissance squad- highly-engaged platform provid- satisfying job because I know I my hometown are determina-
ron tasked with monitoring the ing maritime security has allowed am making a change in the com- tion and that doing things 'to
world’s oceans in the state-of- me to see how important our pres- munity and making my family standards' are not good goals,”
the-art P-8A “Poseidon.” ence around the world is." proud,” added Mendoza-Cano. said Delacruz. “Goals will be ac-