Page 20 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 20

Women of Distinction

                                                                                    “At that point, I was pretty con-
                                                                                 cerned about the transition from
                                                                                 being a buyer’s market into a seller’s
                                                                                 market. I was unsure what would
                                                                                 happen with my staging business.  We
                                                                                 had established ourselves really well
                                                                                 and most people in the industry knew
                                                                                 us.  We ended up doing 30 to 50 stag-
                                                                                 ing projects per month. We were on
                                                                                 national TV shows, and we appeared
                                                                                 on HGTV a lot. We were a very large
                                                                                 operation, and we won all kinds of
                                                                                 awards. It was all pretty exciting. I
                                                                                 absolutely loved it. I had gained a
                                                                                 great deal of knowledge through my
                                                                                 real estate career. I understood what
                                                                           Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  experience, she had a strong design
                                                                                 buyers liked.”
                                                                                    Aside from Cheryl’s real estate

                                                                                 background.  “I have lived all over
                                                                                 the world. I lived in London for three
                                                                                 years and, spent time in Paris and
                                                                                 Italy. Even the time I spent in Man-
                                                                                 hattan, New York helped to give me
                                                                                 a sense of style. I brought that to the
                                                                                 table, and I think it helped a lot in my

                                                                                    Cheryl had been doing this for
                                                                                 over ten years and one day in 2019 it
                                                                                 occurred to her that there was a far
                     Cheryl Holmes                                               staging business.
                                                                                 better way to accomplish the same
                                                                                 results.  “No one was doing what I
                      Selling with Style                                         had in mind, so I decided to give it a
                                                                                 shot.  That year I changed my busi-
                                                                                 ness from a Home Staging business
                                                                                 to a Home Styling Business. The main
                               By Judith A. Habert                               difference is that with Home Staging
                                                                                 new furniture was brought in, rugs
                                                                                 were added or removed, and paint
           Cheryl Holmes spent many years   the most potential buyers. “At the time   colors were changed.  The process was
        selling real estate and when the econ-  I was in real estate and at one point I   very expensive.  I figured out a way
        omy failed in 2008 she decided to try   was sitting on a home forever because   to keep the cost low and accomplish
        her hand at Home Staging.  This was   nothing was selling. It was a horrible   the same end result, a home that sold
        a brand-new concept at the time, and   time. So, I asked the owners if I could   quickly.  I found ways to use the cli-
        Cheryl was one of the first realtors in   put some furniture in and sort of stage   ent's existing furniture, artwork, and
        San Diego to offer this service. She   the home? At the time they didn't   color schemes.  I would simply restyle
        always had an eye for design and loved   even understand the concept. There   the home.”
        real estate, so the combination was a   was only one stager in San Diego and   Not only is Home Styling a less
        perfect fit.  What exactly is staging?   she worked only on the very high-end   expensive endeavor, but many homes
        The simple explanation is that staging   properties.  I even offered to do the   just could not be staged.  The pro-
        means preparing the home for a poten-  staging free of charge and brought   cess can be done if the house is va-
        tial buyer by redecorating, rearranging   furniture from my own home.  The   cant, but almost impossible to stage
        furniture, bringing in new furniture,   house sold in two weeks.”  The owners   if the family is still in residence.
        painting, cleaning, and other aesthetic   of this property were so thrilled that   “People had pets, kids, and active
        strategies to present the home in the   they asked Cheryl to work with them   lives, so it was difficult to work
        best possible light. The goal is to make   on several other homes that they were   around someone else's furniture
        the home as appealing as possible to   flipping.                         and sense of style.  So, with styling,

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