Page 25 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 25


        equipped with tomahawk missiles,   they take pride in serving their  toriously promoted to his cur-  program gives greater authority
        torpedoes, guns and a phalanx   country in the United States Navy.  rent rank by the commodore of   to commands to better shape
        close-in weapons system.      “For me the Navy has been a re-  Maritime Prepositioning Ships   their workforce and the Navy by
           More than 300 sailors serve   source,” added Rocca. “Something  Squadron 3 in Guam.  developing and rewarding our
        aboard USS Sampson.  Their jobs   that's been able to help me do the   “I am so excited and defi-  most  talented  Sailors,”  accord-
        are  highly  specialized,  requiring   things that I want to do. It gave me  nitely  surprised,”  the  assistant   ing to a Navy website.
        both dedication and skill. The jobs   a chance when no one else did.  supply officer said.  For his part, Duong says he
        range  from  maintaining  engines   So now I pay that original chance   It  was  no  surprise  to his   realizes the additional chev-
        to handling weaponry along with   back.”              boss. Capt. John Bub, commo-  ron, higher rank and bigger
        a multitude of other assignments                      dore of MPSRON 3, says Duong’s   paycheck  mean  more  respon-
        that keep the ship mission-ready at                   infectious can-do, will-do, did-it   sibilities, and he says he looks
        all times.                                            attitude contributed to Duong’s   forward to the challenges and
           Serving in the Navy means                          selection for promotion.    opportunities.
        Rocca is part of a team that is tak-                     “He has been performing as   While he believes a good
        ing on new importance in Amer-                        a first class petty officer since   work ethic, respect for others,
        ica’s focus on rebuilding military                    I reported to MPSRON 3,” Bub   hard work and efficiency are the
        readiness, strengthening alliances                    said.                       keys to his success, Duong also
        and reforming business practices                         “Petty Officer Duong always   claims he still has more to learn.
        in support of the National Defense                    raises his hand for the more   “I decided to join because I
        Strategy.                                             challenging jobs and has volun-  wanted to see the world; I want-
           “We stand the world’s watch,”                      teered for a number of collateral   ed to have more experience in
        said Rocca. “It's pretty simple.”                     duties – in addition to superbly   leadership and to learn new
           Rocca and other sailors have                       executing his primary responsi-  things,” the logistics specialist
        many opportunities to achieve ac-                     bilities – each and every day.”  said  earlier  this year  when  he
        complishments during their mili-                         The Navy’s Meritorious Ad-  was selected as Military Sealift
        tary service.                                         vancement Program empowers   Command Far East’s Junior Sail-
           “I got thrown into the mainte-                     leaders like Bub to advance their   or of the Year.
        nance program for the ship when I                     personnel. The MAP is responsi-  At the time of his promotion,
        got here,” said Rocca. “I had no idea   San Diego Native   ble for 20 percent of all enlisted   Duong  echoed  the  sentiment,
        what I was doing, but I was able to                   advancements each year.     adding that he’s still learning
        take a dead program and revived   Meritoriously          “The program is intended to   every day, especially from the
        it. It's been recognized by the cap-                  give [commanding officers] the   MPSRON 3 leadership.
        tain.”                     Promoted                   opportunity to recognize their   “I  could  not  come this  far
           As Rocca and other sailors con-                    best Sailors by advancing them   without their mentorship and
        tinue to train and perform the mis-  GUAM -- Petty Officer First   when they are ready for the   their trust in me and without
        sions to support national defense,   Class Khoa Duong was meri-  next level of responsibility. The   the support of my wife.”

                                                                 CHIEF ENGINEMAN JENNIFER VARMALL,
                                                                 ASSIGNED TO COMMANDER, FLEET
                                                                 ACTIVITIES SASEBO PORT OPERATIONS,
                                                                 RECEIVES HER ANCHORS AND
                                                                 COMBINATION COVER AS SHE IS PROMOTED
                                                                 TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER DURING A
                                                                 PINNING CEREMONY AT COMMANDER,
                                                                 FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO.

                                                                 SASEBO, Japan (Nov. 19, 2021) Chief Engineman Jennifer Varmall,
                                                                 assigned to Commander, Fleet Activities Sasebo Port Operations,
                                                                 receives her anchors and combination cover as she is promoted to
                                                                 chief petty officer during a pinning ceremony at Commander, Fleet
                                                                 Activities Sasebo, Nov. 19, 2021. The rank of Chief Petty Officer was
                                                                 created April 1, 1893, and the Chief Petty Officer Pinning Ceremony
                                                                 is a unique tradition to the U.S. Navy that signifies promotion to a
                                                                 crucial position of leadership and responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by
                                                                 Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Gregory Pickett)

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