Page 17 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 17
Women of Distinction
her way up to teaching, to tell me more she shares
then becoming a vice prin- how her friend, Adela C.
cipal, and later retired as a Garcia, had been the very
principal. first Latina administrator
Now Maria finds herself to work for IBM.
selling more than a thou- Once you get your
sand copies of "We Made hands on this book there
San Diego". She is also a is no putting it down. It
well-recognized award really is a shining jewel
winner of the International put together to show our
Latino Book Award. Her history and how San Diego
hard work has paid off. Al- California was constructed
though she is still working and developed. We are sur-
on the hundreds of books rounded by great people.
she printed with lots of María expressed how
faith. Her goals have never surprised and impressed
failed her. she was during the five
As we sit in her cozy years that she interviewed
family room she goes all of these people. From
through the pages and she 2015-2021 everyone I men-
excitedly shares elements tioned my project to were
of her book with me. María interested in cooperating.
exclaims, "Look here in the “This made my ride very
chapter on the first Latina smooth and enjoyable.”
bus driver. Oh, and here is
the first Latino Chief Police You can find "We Made San
Officer." As she continues Diego" on
"We Made
San Diego"
By Maggie Ramos
Photos by Maggie Ramos
I felt a lot of excitement She is very active in the
as I begin my charla (chat) Latino community. Even
with María E. Garcia. There in her early days when she
were boxes and boxes in first positioned herself as
her dining room that held an activist in the Latino
hundreds of books. María community. Her parents
E. Garcia is the author of brought her to settle in San
"We Made San Diego". A Diego at age three from
unique storyteller who Yuma Arizona. Ever since
shares the history, created then, María began creat-
by many many interviews ing her legacy. She went
that Garcia took the time to to school to get educated,
put together in an antholo- and then she gave back to
gy of stories. the community by educat-
Garcia is a special, ing others. First, she was a
smart, hardworking lady. teacher's aide and worked