Page 12 - San Diego Woman Amy Haber Issue
P. 12

Women of Distinction

             ithin the first five                                                         school and when she attended
        Wminutes of meeting                                                               the University of Arizona, she
        Amy Haber, I knew that she                                                        pledged a sorority.  “I double
        was someone I wanted to get                                                       majored in speech commu-
        to know better.  Her optimistic                                                   nications and marketing with
        outlook on life was contagious.                                                   a minor in fashion merchan-
        A characteristic which has been                                                   dising. I realized that what I
        increasingly difficult to find,                                                   loved most was a career where
        especially after the last year we                                                 I had a lot of contact with the
        have all had to endure.                                                           public and where I could help
           As Senior Vice President                                                       people.  I decided that the retail
        of Sales and Education for well-                                                  business was what I loved.”
        known and respected SENTÉ,                                                        Amy obtained a job working
        she is a dynamo and treats those                                                  for Bullocks, a chain of full-line
        who work for her like family.                                                     department stores, which was
           In speaking with Amy and                                                       eventually bought out by Ma-
        learning about her background,                                                    cy’s. “During my time working
        it was obvious that Amy came                                                      in retail, I realized that what
        from a loving family who all                                                      I really liked best was helping
        seemed to share the same                                                          other people and making them
        optimistic outlook.  “I was born                                                  realize what they had to offer,
        and raised in Phoenix, Arizo-                                                     and in this way helping to
        na. My parents were originally                                                    build their confidence in their
        from Cleveland, Ohio, but                                                         abilities.”
        our family moved to Phoenix                                                    Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  Today, in her position at
        and my dad started a carwash                                                      SENTÉ, Amy is able to use these
        business called Weiss Guys Car                                                    skills with her sales team.
        Wash- their motto was “Weiss                                                         “What fuels my fire is my
        Guys are Nice Guys”. I used to                                                    desire to help my team unleash
        go to the carwash as a little girl                                                their potential and just soar.
        and just watch my dad and how                                                     When they succeed, that's my
        he interacted with people. My                                                     paycheck. That's what makes me
        dad is an unshakable optimist.    Amy Haber                                       feel good.”
        He is such a happy guy. He loves                                                     Between her years in retail
        people, and I think that's where                                                  sales and then a time working
        my love of people came from. I    LEADING WITH LOVE                               for a variety of designers, Amy
        watched him work the carwash                                                      ended up working for Robert
        and all of his clients like he was         By Judith A. Habert                    Hayman and Dr. Dorfman’s
        working a crowd.”                                                                 company.  “Doctor Bill Dorf-
           Amy’s dad was loved by   time, just the other day we went   she lets nothing bother her,   man was the dentist made
        everyone he met, and he made   out to dinner in La Jolla, and we   it just rolls off her shoulders.    famous for his role on the hit
        whatever job he did fun for   all had our masks on, and the   With her demeanor, it would   TV show ‘Extreme Makeover.’
        himself and all those around   waitress shouted, ‘Yea it’s the   not surprise me if she lived to   I ended up working in dental
        him.  “It was as if he was the   candy man!’”         be 147.”                    with Robert and Bill for over
        mayor of the town. Wherever    It was this genuine interest   Growing up in such an   18 years. I started as a sales rep,
        we went, everybody knew him   in people that would forever   upbeat household taught Amy   and they promoted me five or
        by name. It wasn’t unusual for   stick with Amy. “It didn't matter   some very important life lessons.  six times with his company up

        Dad to start a conversation with   if you were the dishwasher or   She was taught that success   to VP of sales.  When I started,
        a stranger on the street and be-  the CEO. He treated them all   should not only exist in your   we were doing about two mil-
        fore the conversation was over,   the same way with respect and   career path but in life.  It was   lion in sales and there were just
        he had invited him to dinner.    kindness.” It wasn’t just Dad   important to be successful in all   a handful of sales reps. By the
        They call my Dad the “Candy   who influenced Amy, her Mom   aspects of life and to always in-  time I left we were doing one
        Man” because he passes out   was one and the same.  “I have   spire one another to help change   hundred million a year and had
        Werther’s candies to everyone   never seen her raise her voice   the world for the better.  a staff of 40-50 sales reps.”
        he meets (whether he knows   and is probably the happiest,   As if you didn’t guess it by   This was a fun time in
        them or not) to sweeten their   peppiest, most upbeat human   now, Amy was the captain of   Amy’s life. She felt as if she had
        day!  This has not changed with   being I know.  In her 80s now,   the cheerleading team in high   a work family that made her so

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