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                  Before            After             Before            After                                          San Diego  Woman

            Coffee Break Time           Bitchin’ & Moaning                                     By Judith A. Habert    37

           If there is one thing I wish I could change it is my distaste for coffee.    had a chance to try it, I would become a coffee aficionado.  I heard it
           I must admit I always felt a little jealous.  Growing up I never had a   was very expensive but it would be worth it if I could finally get over my
           desire to taste that dark hot mysterious beverage, but as I got older   distaste for coffee.
           I realized - I should be drinking coffee:  Drinking coffee made you an    Coffee did hold a special place in my heart. I can remember when I
           adult.  Coffee was not for kids  so I didn’t worry, assuming that as I got   was little my Dad would take me with him to the local diner and order a
           older I would develop a taste for the popular fluid.   cup. I think it was about 25 cents at the time.  As I think back on it my
           I turned 18, took a sip of the treasured brew, and for the life of me had   father had a habit of (when he got near the end of the cup) asking the
           all I could do to swallow it.  Okay, I thought, I probably have to be older   waitress if she could top it off for him since it was cold.  In those days
           and wiser before I’d like it.  I turned 19, 20 and then 21, but still I was   there was no such thing as endless beverages. So this was his way of
           bewildered as to why, although it smelled good, when I brought my lips   getting another cup of coffee without having to pay for it.  I finally man-
           to the edge of the cup, I could not bear the thought of actually tipping it   aged to take a sip of the precious Starbucks coffee and no…I didn’t like
           forward far enough to taste it.                       it any better than the homemade variety.
           I was out of college and on to my first corporate job when I realized   Then one day working at another corporate job, still faking my love of
           that I had better learn to like coffee, otherwise I would not be able to   coffee and participating in the corporate coffee break, I came upon an-
           participate in the best part of the day in corporate America, the coffee   other co-worker who was actually drinking a beverage that wasn’t cof-
           break.  The first week on my new job I was too embarrassed to say I   fee.  It wasn’t even a hot drink, which was a relief since I had previously
           didn’t like coffee, since everyone else was indulging.  So when coffee   realized that I didn’t like hot tea either. She was drinking lemonade.
           break time came around I would go to the cafeteria and order my cup   Then I started paying more attention and as it turned out, there were
           of coffee, which I would hold for a while, bring it to my lips a few times   many people in the cafeteria drinking iced beverages.  At that point I
           then dump it in the garbage can as full as it was when I bought it. I   realized I had been led astray and made to feel foolish to have hidden
           suppose some part of me felt that if I didn’t drink coffee I would not be   my distaste for coffee, all because of some mislabeled daily corporate
           allowed to participate in the coffee break and therefore I would have to   event.  I thought that it possibly was a conspiracy brought upon corpo-
           work straight through the day.  Then came this very weird phenomenon,   rate America by some coffee rich nation, or that maybe even Starbucks
           a store dedicated to coffee.  How ridiculous? Who would get up early   was at the bottom of this.  I propose that in order to keep young girls
           to go buy a cup of coffee when you could roll out of bed in the morning   from foolishly pretending to like such a distasteful drink, that we forever
           and have it waiting for you?  Well that was what my parents did, and   refer to that 15 minute break from the daily boring work day, that our
           what I saw in every TV show and movie.  Who was I to know that this   coffee break would forever be referred to as a beverage break – not
           weird concept called Starbucks would become as popular as it did?  So   The Coffee Break.
           I decided that Starbucks must make the absolute best coffee, and if I
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