Page 38 - Susan Taylor
P. 38




      Never WANTING to be a bride.

                               By Jaime V. Habert

      This fact is virtually unfathomable for most people to respect. That’s   all too precious ring finger and that man who she loves finances his
      right. I don’t want to get married, and no, I will not change my mind.   life away to make it possible. Let’s face it, these are the core values
      To make this clearer; I will not get married in a house, I will not get   present in the dowry system. A woman who is easy on the eyes, fit for
      married to a mouse, I will not get married in a box, I will not get mar-  child birth, and a man who can provide for her while taking her as his
      ried to a fox, I will not get married here or there, I will not get married   pleasantly pretty property.
      anywhere, I do not like the married life, I never want to be a WIFE.  Basically, marriage undermines the strength and intelligence of
      Okay, so I may have borrowed a little inspiration from Dr. Seuss with   women. It says that we need someone to make us whole. That we are
      that one, but my sentiment is genuine. I see marriage for what it is…   not able to care for ourselves. That we require a keeper. The idea of
      a legal document. It does not solve a couple’s problems, or keep them   feminism was to keep us equal, and yet, we accept a societal norm
      together. It does not provide safety and security or keep you warm at   which makes us lesser than. Marriage places labels on two carefree
      night. Marriage is a legal term. It is NOT a solution, a happy ending, or   individuals. It forces women into the role of wife and men into the
      a fairytale.                                           role of husband. Think about the images that come to mind when I
      I have seen far too many couples challenge what I just said. They get   mention those terms. A wife is regarded as a homemaker, child care
 38   together and follow the societal norms of our time… meet, date, marry.   provider, chef, personal assistant, laundress, chauffeur, nurse, tutor,
      They let the pressure of religion, parents, or convention, take over and   referee, psychiatrist, and manager. A wife is placed in a dutiful role
      they don’t ask themselves, why?                        where she not only cares for kids, but is responsible for much of daily
      Why do you want to get married? I know why I don’t.    life. A husband is also given the burden of financial responsibility and
      Marriage is like a mental prison cell. It says that you are now bound   placed under lock and key.
      to that person “forever”. This sentencing forces people to stay in a   One of the most successful and influential women in history, Oprah
      relationship far longer than they should. It gives you an excuse to be-  Winfrey, drove home this fact in an interview with Shaun Robinson
      come complacent or to settle for less than you deserve.  It also makes   of Access Hollywood. When asked why she never wants to marry
      cheating that much more desirable. Just like a toddler told not to touch   Stedman Graham, Oprah replied, “had we married, we would not be
      a hot stove, partners often give into temptation because of the simple   together”. Shaun Robinson replied, “Really?! Why?” and Oprah said,
      fact that they’re not allowed to. And so, they place their hand over the   “Because, he is a very traditional man and this is a very untraditional
      burning flame, challenged by the authoritative figure which told them   relationship. I think it’s acceptable as a relationship, but if I had the
      not to. In my opinion, marriage strangles the creative spontaneity of   title, “wife”, hmm. I think there would be some other expectations of
      romance and eliminates all courtship.  It is ultimately what feeds the   what a wife is and what a wife does. First of all, you got to come home
      flame of infidelity.                                   sometimes…”. Oprah was very aware of how a title can cripple a rela-
      We can also look at this from a historical standpoint. It wasn’t all that   tionship, especially from the point of view of a woman.
      long ago that women were exchanged for cash. In the United States,   In another interview for her “O” magazine, Oprah elaborated, “I knew I
      colonists from England and Europe brought about the custom of a   was not the kind of woman who could get home and make sure dinner
      dowry and women became property in a more literal sense. Native   was on the table. I do that when I feel like it, and if I don’t feel like it,
      Americans and early settlers also engaged in a dowry custom, often   there’s some Raisin Bran in there, get yourself a banana, and that’s
      exchanging land for ladies. These goods were exchanged in agree-  it”. Oprah’s feelings on marriage are my exact sentiment. Women
      ment that the women would marry the male suitor. Marriage was more   deserve the right to choose… A right to independence. There should
      in line with a real estate transaction then a love story. You may say…   NOT even be a preconceived notion that dinner is YOUR JOB. All in
      “Well that was a long time ago- things have changed!” and I will say to   all, this is what marriage brings… expectations.
      you… “No, they really haven’t”.                        Oprah stating that she “wants to WANT” to make dinner for her part-
      Think about what most women look for in a man these days. Anything   ner is what I feel gets crushed in married lives. The element of desire
      come to mind? Money. Maybe not in the millionaire sense but, who   is slowly diminished by the title. A desire to be together, not because
      wouldn’t admit that a good paying job and nice car do impress? If   you have to but because you want  to. A desire to give to the  other on
      you saw an equally good looking guy driving a Honda as you did a   a completely selfless level. A desire to create a life together that war-
      Bentley, would the Bentley not win out? It’s human nature. Women   rants future plans without the requirement.
      seek security. Financial security is just one of those aspects, but it is   This legal binding of two lives keeps people entangled with one an-
      an important one when you are looking for the potential father of your   other even when they know they no longer belong together. When you
      children or a partner for the rest of your life. Also, we can look at what   enter into marriage, you begin collecting joint property. Investments,
      most men value in women… Beauty. We don’t all have to be pag-  homes, children, pets, cars- they all go into a philosophical lockbox
      eant queens, but I have yet to talk to a man who doesn’t have “Good   only to be divvied up when the time comes. Even when they feel like
      Looking” or “Fit” on the top of his wife wish list. The simple fact that   they aren’t fulfilled by their partners, couples will stay together “for the
      a woman is given an engagement ring makes true the fact that the   kids”.  I can tell you that having married parents isn’t as important as
      custom of a dowry is still alive and well. Each potential wife that I have   having happy ones. Marriage complicates everything, and it makes
      talked to obsesses over the type of ring that will be suitable for that   trusting your gut that much harder.
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