Page 17 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
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Dr. Moein also began exploring the use of integrative and holistic both allopathic (traditional) and holistic treatments, and it will have
approaches to medicine. She incorporated Bioidentical Hormone the potential to address women’s psychological, medical, surgical,
Replacement Therapy into her practice and found great success in social, and emotional needs.”
relieving the symptoms and adverse effects of menopause. Spurred
by these positive outcomes, and recognizing the demand for and Another outcome that has resulted from Dr. Moein’s association
shortage of doctors providing holistic medical services, Dr. Moein with Scripps Mercy Hospital, is a relationship with the Naryani
recently pursued and obtained board certification from the Ameri- Hospital and Research Center near Vellore, India. “It was with the
can Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). encouragement of my mentor, Dr. Mimi Guarneri, that I first trav-
elled to their center and met their spiritual leader, Sri Sakthi Amma,”
It was when Dr. Moein began her training in robotic surgery, that Dr. Moein says. With subsequent trips to their hospital, school, and
she was first introduced to Scripps Mercy Hospital and their state-of spiritual center, Dr. Moein has had the opportunity to train doctors in
the-art robotic surgery facility. “I love the Scripps Mercy approach,” better methods for treating women, and to be better trained herself
says Dr. Moein. “With their Centers for Excellence, they show real in the techniques of Ayurvedic Medicine
commitment to providing the latest technologies, and the best .
San Diego Woman
services to women in the community.” Little did she know that this
collaboration would open up a new world of possibilities in serving If preparations for opening a women’s center at Scripps Mercy
women. Hospital and her consulting work in India weren’t enough for one
woman, Dr. Moein is also in the process of writing a book about her
Two marvelous outcomes have risen from Dr. Moein’s association experiences in India. “My book will be titled, Conversations with the
with Scripps Mercy Hospital. In discussions with Mr. Tom Gam- Avatar,” says Dr. Moein. “In my sessions with Sri Sakthi Amma,
miere, Scripps Mercy Hospital’s visionary CEO, the potential and he allowed me to ask any questions I wished. I asked all of the
then the reality began to emerge of creating a women’s center questions that women might want answers to—love, destiny, faith,
at Scripps Mercy Hospital, one that emphasizes integrative and relationships, happiness, peace, and prosperity.”
holistic services with Dr. Moein as founding director. “We hope the
center will open its doors in about a year,” Dr. Moein explains. “It And so for Dr. Moein the quest continues, teaching, learning, travel-
will be a one-stop shop to provide for all the needs of women, with ing, and healing.