Page 12 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
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Dr. Angela Nahl

      Innovative LASIK Surgeon

     A career in the field of ophthalmology wasn’t
     always on the horizon for Angela Nahl.  “I had
     recently graduated from Harvard University
     and was pursuing a career in financial services
     when I experienced some issues with my vi-
     sion,” said, Dr. Angela Nahl, Ophthalmologist
     and founder of La Jolla LASIK. An optometrist
     prescribed contact lenses for Nahl, but she
     found them extremely uncomfortable.  “They
     were so irritating…I wanted to scratch my eyes
     Nahl decided to get a second opinion and
     sought out one of New York’s most prestigious
     optometrists.  “When I arrived at the second
     optometrist’s office, I was very impressed.  I
     found the professionalism of the staff, the
     doctor’s knowledge and kindness, even the
     décor of the office itself to be very inspiring.”
     Nahl said.  She continued, “I liked the idea
     of interacting with different people on a daily
     basis and helping them with something as
     vital as their sight.  After taking some time to
     research careers in optometry and ophthalmol-
 12 ogy, and to talk with my optometrist more about
     his practice, I thought to myself, this is for me!
     And made a change in my career path.”
     Dr. Nahl is being featured in this month’s edi-
     tion of San Diego Woman (not only) for her ex-
     cellent work as an ophthalmologist and founder
     of The La Jolla LASIK Institute, but for her work
     within the community.  After learning of pending
     budget cuts, Dr. Nahl pledged to raise over
     $500,000 for San Diego schools by 2014 in               residency, Nahl exhibited a highly desirable trait in the medical
     order to support their full day kindergarten program and other   world - - great manual dexterity.  “Ever since I was a child, I was the
     school programs.  Dr. Nahl said, “I am so grateful for my education.    ’go-to’ person in the house if someone needed a needle threaded,
     I wanted to help give the same opportunities to children today.”  Dr.   or a splinter taken out,” Nahl said.  “I was able to do these things
     Nahl and her team also volunteer their time to meet with elementary   easily and gently.  I didn’t realize until medical school what a gift this
     students and  teach them about the eye and the field of ophthalmol-  was for me to have.  Because of this gift, I was often rewarded with
     ogy.                                                    more cases than your average resident and even more than some
     As an accomplished LASIK surgeon, Dr. Nahl is often asked what   of the fellows.”
     factors should be considered when choosing a LASIK provider.     After she finished her schooling, Dr. Nahl was given the opportu-
     She invariably replies, “A doctor’s experience and skill is probably   nity to train the next generation of eye surgeons at UCSF medical
     the most important factor, as they are assets that cannot be re-  school.  “I loved being able to give back to the medical community
     placed or substituted.  Following that, I would say that the provider’s   by passing on things that I had learned in the field of ophthalmol-
     standard of care is very important…how they care for their patients,   ogy.  It was also at this time I trained under the supervision of Dr.
     how they run their business…how they sweat the details.  Lastly, I   Edward Manche, Director of Cornea and Refractive Surgery at the
     would have to say that the technology used during the LASIK pro-  Stanford Eye Laser Center and Professor of Ophthalmology in the
     cedure can make a big difference in the outcome.”       Stanford University School of Medicine.”  Dr. Manche is a world
                                                             renowned expert in laser and surgical techniques for vision correc-
     Dr. Nahl’s Experience                                   tion, and has personally performed over 28,000 laser vision correc-
     Dr. Nahl earned her medical degree at the University Of Chicago   tion procedures.
     Pritzker School Of Medicine. As a medical student, she spent an   In 2000, Dr. Nahl re-located to San Diego to work with Dr. Glenn
     extra year pursuing her interests in ophthalmology by doing re-  Kawesch.  “While I was there,” said Dr. Nahl, “I was averaging
     search in the development of color vision.  Her research team was   over a hundred cases a month and achieving good outcomes for
     the first to discover significant changes to night vision in laboratory   my patients, but at the same time I felt a growing voice within me,
     mice.  She also completed her residency at the prestigious Doheny   encouraging me to strike out on my own.”
     Eye Institute of the University of Southern California.   During her
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