Page 9 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
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Dr. James McClurg
                            Dr. Steven Eisenberg                                    “I have recommended Dr. McClurg
                “Dr. Eisenberg has been my salvation.  I don’t know how I could have   to at least 15 or 20 other family
                gotten through my cancer diagnosis without him.  He put me at ease   members and friends.  He has done
               and made me believe that my life was worth fighting for.  I will forever   so much to improve my health and
                                     be grateful to him.”                           I want to share him with everyone
                                                                                   around me who can benefit from his
                                                                                    medical knowledge and his caring
                                                       Dr. Neil Berkowitz

                                                       & Dr. Ruth Nelson
            Dr. Sean Daneshmand                       “They really care about each person and
             “His heart is so full and he gives so    take time to find out what is going on
           much to his patients.  He helped me in a   in your life as they ask you questions   Dr. Stefan Moldovan
                                                                                               “He was so kind and caring.
           time when I felt so scared.  He has such   and listen to what seems to be the issue.   I was so scared I couldn’t
                                                       Each visit is like seeing a very smart
            a kind way with words and I could see     friend.  They never make you wait for    think straight.  He made me
            in his eyes how much he cared about       more than 5 minutes for your appoint-    believe that there was life af-
            me and my fears.  How much he cares         ment- they know that your time is      ter breast cancer, and thanks
              about every one of his patients.”        as valuable as theirs is…Their staff is   to him I am fully recovered
                                                       friendly and kind and professional,       and definitely feel I owe
                                                       and they always ask how our family      my life to him.  He is a real
                                                             members are doing.”                     sweetheart.”

               San Diego Woman Magazine’s

                                  Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians

                                                                                                                       San Diego  Woman

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