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San Diego

    Dear Readers,

    Welcome to our “Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians” Issue.  We are very excited to share this important Directory with you, our
    readers.  As our first issue of 2013, we decided to provide some very significant information to our readers, so they can have a healthy
    2013. We would like this year to include as much reader interaction as possible, so please let us know what you would like to see in our
    upcoming issues.

    In order to accomplish the best selection of doctors included in this Guide, we sent out a request to our readers, to nominate doctors
    whom they felt were exemplary in their field of expertise, and with their women patients. Our directory is different than others for one
    very important reason:  The doctors selected were chosen by their patients - not their colleagues. Who better to tell women
    which doctor's treat them with respect and understanding, but those women who have been their patients? The physicians selected
    possessed something that other doctors did not; they took the time to listen to their patients and let them know how important they
    were to them. Many of the women we interviewed felt that these doctors were very concerned with women’s needs.  Not every doctor
    is like this, and that is why the doctors listed in this directory deserve special appreciation. Not only are there special features intro-
    ducing these professionals to you, we also include a full directory of all of the doctors chosen by our readers.
    Take a few moments to go through the directory and read some of the comments made by our readers, before
    selecting a physician. This directory provides an important publication that you should hold onto, should you
    need a great doctor in the future.

    In addition to this special section, we have many other fun articles, including information on San Diego
    Fashion week, for those who couldn’t make it, some great recipes to try, and a very insightful column by Carol

    If the New Year means you are in search of new adventures, take a look at Robin’s article about Big Sur. Her
    comments are invaluable and the images she shares are beautiful.

  4 On a more serious note, do you struggle with guilt?  Soma’s article will help you understand and improve your
    thinking, making 2013 a guilt free year.

    We hope you enjoy our first issue of 2013. As always, we would love to hear from our readers.  We strive to be
    the voice of San Diego Women, so please share your thoughts and dreams with us.

    As always, I would like to thank all of our loyal readers, our writers, our hard-working staff, and our advertisers, without whom
    San Diego Woman Magazine could not exist.

    Best wishes to all of you in 2013.  May all of your dreams come true.                                                                        Sincerely,
                                                                                 Judith A. Habert


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                        Annual subscriptions available on request
                       Please send name, mailing address, and
                     check for $25.00 payable to San Diego Woman.
                         San Diego Woman

                           254 E Grand Avenue, Suite 201
                               Escondido, CA 92025
                                  888 275 7125
                                  858 735 5301
     Disclaimer: Products, services, practices, websites or informational packets mentioned within our pages   Photographer: Stephen Simpson Inc
     are in no way an endorsement by San Diego Woman, but are provided to our readers for informational
     purposes only.
                                                                              Model: Dr. Angela Nahl
     Privacy Advisory: Personal information provided by our readers will be used solely for the purposes of
     providing requested information and will not be shared.
                                                                              Graphics/Magazine Layout: Sonali Soni
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