Page 10 - Outstanding Women Friendly Physicians (2)
P. 10
Dr. Karin Kordas Photos Courtesy of Dr. Kordas
By Judith A. Habert
We received seemed to be a good fit and would provide me useful training for
many nomi- other professions if my interests changed during college.” Luckily
nations for for her patients, her interest remained on track and she went on to
Outstand- college at the University of California at Riverside and completed
ing Women medical school in a combined program between UC Riverside and
Friendly Physi- UC Los Angeles. Graduating in 2000, Dr. Kordas went on to do the
cians, but this usual three year Internal Medicine residency at UCSD, followed by
one was quite a one year fellowship training in Women’s Medicine and primary
unique. Dr. care procedures.
Karin Kordas Dr. Kordas has been working at Palomar Hospital in Escondido for
was recom- the past three years, a position she loves, particularly due to the
mended to us friendly and cooperative atmosphere. She is contracted through
by the family of a non-profit community clinic; Neighborhood Healthcare and is
a patient she board certified in Internal Medicine and currently works almost
cared for while exclusively as a hospitalist physician.
in the hospital. I asked Dr. Kordas what it was that she liked about being a doctor,
Dr. Kordas is her answer explains why her patients and their families consider
a hospitalist, her so extraordinary, “I love the relationships with the patients
which means although mine are shorter-term now that I am a Hospitalist. I am
she is an in- able to act as a teacher and advisor to my patients. Sometimes
hospital doctor. These doctors have a unique job, often seeing through understanding their illness they are motivated to make
patients for only a short period of time, treating them and sending major lifestyle changes toward a healthier life. Finding a diagnosis
them home for follow-ups by their own doctor. These physicians in medicine is often like solving a puzzle and is rarely boring. I
are often overworked by a high volume of patients, who are often also am continually impressed that despite all of our similarities,
in critical condition and require immediate attention. patients continue to be individuals and do not all respond the
Married for 9 years to Brandon, a structural engineer, they are the same way to treatment. As a hospitalist physician, I am grateful
parents of active and engaging two year old twin boys, Cameron that the amount of time spent on paperwork is manageable.”
and Zachary. Her family is the primary reason she chose this area When asked what her goals and dreams are regarding her career
of medicine. “With my young family now and all of the paperwork and her personal life, she shared the following, “I am grateful to
required to work as a primary care doctor, I did not feel able to work for an organization like Neighborhood Healthcare as a hos-
10 serve my continuity patients as well while still being available to pitalist. I would like to further support my group by continuing to
care for hospitalized patients. The hospitalist program, started by
my children and husband.” A caring and considerate physician,
we weren’t surprised to receive the following recommendation for Dr. Dan Harrison, has a primary focus on high quality medical care
Dr. Kordas, “My brother, who has a host of medical issues, has and good communication. Personally, I look forward to seeing my
had multiple hospitalizations and each time I felt that I was kept in boys grow up, and I enjoy working with my husband to ensure that
the dark. I would try to speak to the doctors, calling them, leaving they have a strong sense of compassion and respect for others”
messages for them or trying to be at the hospital during the time With all of the rave reviews regarding Dr. Kordas, her caring ways,
they made rounds. I rarely had any luck. When my brother was and sincere concern for every patient she encounters, we can
admitted, and Dr. Kordas was the doctor assigned to his care, I did honestly say her children, Cameron and Zachary, and every pa-
not even have to leave a message, she kept in close contact with tient she comes in contact with are extremely lucky to have her in
me. This made such an impression with me that I had to nominate their lives.
her as an “Outstanding Women Friendly Physician.” Not only did
she call me, but she left me her pager number and encouraged
me to call her should I have any questions about his care. She
was the first doctor to actually explain my brother’s condition in
a manner in which I could understand his diagnosis, suggested
treatment and prognosis for recovery.”
Born and raised in the Bay Area in Northern California, her brother
Tim stayed in the area working as a software/hardware electrical
engineer. Her close family ties have remained important to her.
“My mother, Mary Ellen was a director of a Montessori school and
spent decades building a respectful cooperative environment for
children. My father, Joe, was employed as an Engineer, but spent
many hours of his personal time working with his church youth
group, raising money for hunger charities, and distributing gifts
and supplies for underprivileged families. I was fortunate in being
able to accompany him to many of these events. For both of my
parents, making a difference in the wellbeing of the future has
been very important. They have moved down to Southern Cali-
fornia in order to be involved grandparents and I look forward to
continue learning from them.”
It was during her high school years that Dr. Kordas decided that
she wanted to go into medicine. “While in high school I learned
about a program at UC Riverside with a degree in Biomedical
Sciences. I loved science and wanted to work with people so it