Page 33 - Woman 071319_interactive final
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Women of Distinction

        to get along and collaborate, with a strong   remotely, Omneya is the first to say, “go on   The team’s support of the rebuild
        focus on providing high quality and cost-ef-  home, this is not a good place for you today.”   in Santa Rosa was one that emotionally
        fective deliverables to their clients. We hear   The flexibility and understanding supports   connected them to the community and is
        the word engineer and don’t put any warm   the overarching company vision, and when   a relationship that continues to this day.
        and fuzzy connotations to the people hold-  they come back, they are refreshed and ready   They recently collaborated with the Santa
        ing these positions, but one afternoon with   to get back to work.       Rosa police department to produce and
        the team members here and that stereotype   It’s evident that this is a team that takes   film their Every 15 Minutes video, geared
        is quickly debunked. One of Omneya’s goals   great pride in everything they do, pride as a   towards increasing drunk driving awareness
        was to embrace each unique personality to   team, for their individual contributions to   within the community. The collaboration
        help create a work environment that not   that team and more evidently pride in the   over several months included the Santa Rosa
        only would be conducive to productivity as   contributions they make to the communities   Police Department, Sonoma County Sheriff,
        a whole, but would be an environment that   that they support.           the California Highway Patrol, Piner High
        team members would thrive in personally
        and look forward to coming back to work.
           So how did she achieve such a lofty
        goal? “It’s not just one thing that makes
        people happy to work here. I think one of
        the first things we did was to give each of
        our employees the Myers Briggs personality
        test to see what made each of them tick.
        We then added the results to our in-house
        employee directory, which allows everyone
        to constantly remember the personality of
        their co-workers, helping them assess how to
        best approach each other because what works
        with one person, may destroy another, so we
        wanted to ensure that this didn’t happen. We
        also are not super strict with employee sched-
        ules. We take family into consideration for
        both our female and male staff members and
        realize that they may at times be needed at
        home to care for a sick child, attend a play or   One of the most impactful and res-  School along with the local hospitals. The
        school event, or handle other personal needs.   onating projects to the team was led by   video made a measurable impact on the
        We don’t want unhappy employees, so we   Tatiana Friesen, VP of Technology Devel-  community, the participants, and anyone
        allow them the flexibility, and in return when   opment and Integration. One of her major   who has viewed it will surely agree. You can
        a project is on deadline, that same employee   projects was helping to document the   see their video called Every 15 Minutes at
        will step up and work into the wee hours to   post-fire damage and infrastructure rebuild
        successfully complete the project at hand.”  efforts after the 2017 wildfires in Santa   I have never actually known anyone
           Omneya failed to mention the in-house   Rosa. Tatiana was instrumental in leading   like Omneya and her insight into running
        gym, and the dining and relaxation area,   the effort to capture drone imagery of over   a business by truly understanding her em-
        along with her excitement at encouraging   1,200 acres (the area impacted by the Tubb   ployees should be studied by other firms, big
        each employee to bring into their office   Fires and roughly 3,000 houses burnt down   and small because theirs is a definite model
        whatever it is that they love, whether it is   to the ground). This was only part of the   that is needed in the workforce today.
        a cool clock, a 3D printer, or a medieval   project. A large amount of work would   No matter what your project might be,
        knight’s helmet. Each employees’ office or   ensue after the imagery was captured. As   no matter how big or small, technical or
        workstation set-up is a representation of their   Omneya explained, “Tatiana handled this   tedious it may appear, the C2 Group offers
        personality and a clear indication that the   complex element of the job flawlessly. She   collaborative and innovative solutions scaled
        work environment is designed to foster both   understands all phases of the process from   to fit your needs and local environments. A
        creativity and inclusiveness. Being in tune   the beginning to final delivery of a single   team that is unique, driven, and determined
        with their team members and staying con-  high-resolution image that is published   to “Be the change you wish to see in the
        nected is an integral part of their success. The   to an online portal for the Santa Rosa   world.”
        team fosters an environment of open discus-  residents to use to rebuild their homes. We
        sion and transparency and puts a high value   started the mission last year and are doing   If you would like more information or
        of supporting the individuals best working   the same this year to show the rebuild   to discuss a project that requires their help,
        environment. If there are times when an em-  progress made within the community and   go to their website at https://www.c2group.
        ployee is not having a good day or has voiced   expect to do it next year as the rebuilding   us/, email them at or call
        that they would be more productive working   effort continues.           them at 619-880-9797.

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