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Fabulous Finds




        possibly want on your prime rib? Their   elry is helping to make it an even more   9.  Ellie Subscription Boxes
        Roast and Prime Rib Herbed Rub forms a   beautiful place. Vanessa’s jewelry line   Subscription boxes are all the rage,
        fantastic crust on any oven roasted meat   is a collection of unique pieces and has   but Ellie Subscription boxes are not like
        including beef, lamb, game, and poultry.   become a go-to jewelry line for creative,  all of the others. With an Ellie Activewear
        Also great on the grill! Just rub it on your   artistic, and fashionable women alike.   subscription, you get to customize your
        roast the day before, and let it do its mag-  The name Amorcito means “sweetheart”   delivery each month to ensure what’s in-
        ic in the fridge overnight.         in Spanish and is translated into English   side your box is precisely what you want?
           XXX-Garlic Seasoning             as “little love.” This was a nickname   With most subscription boxes, you
           XXX-Garlic is NOT garlic salt but a   given to the artist, Vanessa by her hus-  have to face the element of surprise,
        whole new flavor sensation for those   band.                             never quite sure what you will receive
        who love garlic. Formulated with minced,   We loved the Space Flower and Wink   from month to month. Not with Ellie. Ellie
        granulated and powdered garlic along   earrings, and also their collection of Tas-  gives you options. You get to pick from
        with other spices for a triple garlic boost   sel earrings. Compliments were plentiful  up to 7 athleisure 3 piece outfits for each
        to anything you care to put it on. The   when we wore them at a recent maga-  month for only $40.00.
        flavor is rich and buttery, not harsh like   zine event. Amorcito jewelry includes   Ellie also gives you the option to
        garlic can be. Low in salt, no MSG, no   earrings, necklaces, rings, and studs,   cancel your subscription up to three days
        chile heat, and no artificial anything, this   which are all beautiful and unique.   before your ship date, so no fear if you
        seasoning is dynamite on pot roasts,   What we love as much as their     decide not to do it for a month or two.
        lamb, steaks, grilled mushrooms, and any   collections are the fact that they are a   If you don’t like an item you received
        other veggies.                      local company that gives back. 10% of   or need it in another size, Ellie provides
           Poultry Perfection Rub           each purchase is donated to No Silence   hassle-free returns.
           The last chicken dry rub for grillin’   No Violence, an organization that assists   Ellie is also another company that
        you’ll ever want or need. This all-natu-  victims of domestic violence. So not   earns our applause for giving back. Aside
        ral Poultry Rub is fantastic for grilling   only are you getting beautiful jewelry,   from their focus of helping support and
        chicken, as a beer can chicken rub, or   but you are helping a very worthy cause   motivate women to achieve their fitness
        as a rotisserie chicken dry rub. It also   that’s focus is to reduce the incidence,   goals, they are also devoted to support-
        works great on turkey, and if you’re of the   trauma, and stigma of domestic vio-  ing organizations that empower girls and
        adventurous sort, it’s excellent on geese   lence by creating awareness, providing   young women. Ellie has joined forces
        and ducks as well. Visit their site at www.  support and empowerment, shifting   with EmpowHer Institute, an incredible                      perspectives, and promoting/facilitating   non-profit organization whose mission is
                                            systems change.                      to empower at-risk girls and young wom-
        8.   Amorcito Jewelry                  Visit their website at www.Amorcito.  en in Los Angeles by providing them with
           We all know that San Diego is a   us to view their entire line and pick out   the tools required to turn adversity into
        beautiful City, but Vanessa Murnane,   some favorites to add to your jewelry   opportunity. Through this partnership,
        creator, and designer of Amorcito Jew-  collection. You will love them.   Ellie is proud to make an investment

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