Page 49 - Woman 071319_interactive final
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Women of Distinction
to delegate, and now I have a ative person, that is the most to her children. Her children, nine-year-old girls!) In person
team of people with whom I interesting part of the company ages 7 and 10, started their they saw lots of injured jungle
work. We have a parent adviso- for me personally. There are so own non-profit. Kids Saving animals. Some monkeys were
ry team, which is comprised of many elements that go into the Critters (https://www.kidssav- electrocuted by climbing on
scientists, engineers, teachers, project. We may find a perfect They both love uninsulated power lines and
and parents who believe in the idea for a kit, but then we have to read and to travel, which baby monkeys who were taken
mission of Green Kid Crafts. from their mothers (who were
They care about the environ- often killed) and forced into
ment and want to be part of a being pets. This was when
values-driven company.” they decided to start their own
The advisory team helps non-profit group to help ani-
in the selection of themes mals, and ‘Kids Saving Critters’
for each month. We have an was born.
engineer on the team, a couple Green kids craft was actu-
of scientists, as well as an ally one of the first subscrip-
elementary school principal. tion boxes on the market, now
“It’s exciting to work with my they are all over the place with
advisory team and I prefer it to all different focusses. Penny
working in a bubble. They keep describes her boxes as STEAM
me grounded and introduce kits adding the “A” for the arts
new life, direction and new part of her projects. “When I
ideas into our project themes read the hundreds of letters
and the projects themselves. I from parents and grandpar-
wanted to be certain that each ents praising our subscription
kit was age appropriate and boxes, I feel great pride.”
would keep kids’ attention, Green Kids Craft recently
especially for the younger sub- started its international pro-
scribers. Since we have been gram. Orders are now being
around for a while now, I have shipped to places like Italy,
watched many of our kids grow Australia, the UK, and Ireland.
up and use all the different Letters and messages from
aged kits.” parents in these counties and
Penny doesn’t only count others are heartwarming, says
on her own ideas and those of Penny. I feel so much pride
her advisory team, they also at the great work my team is
have a large kid testing team doing to influence a generation
which includes her daughter of kids.”
Rowan and her son Declan. to consider how accessible they have done a lot of with To help inspire your
The testing process became the items are that are needed their parents. They also both children to become future
a playgroup of sorts, with to fill the box. We also need love animals and share their scientists, makers, designers
the kids sitting down once to research if we can get the home with 14 pets: 2 cats, 1 and creative leaders, order a
a month and trying out the quantity,we need at the best dog, 2 rabbits, and 9 chickens! monthly subscription from
proposed kits before they are price within the necessary time Their journey started in Green Kid Crafts today. They
put on the market. “This is an frame.” Costa Rica when they visited are truly making a difference in
essential element for our com- Although Penny at times a wildlife rescue sanctuary the world in addition to being
pany, since as adults we may misses the excitement of her called Kids Saving the Rain- the best kids subscription box
think a kit is great, but when Park Ranger job and working forest (which was started by 2 around!
the kids get it in hand they may for the National Park Service,
end up telling us that it isn’t.” her life has shifted and the idea
One of the goals of Green of spending two weeks in a tent Visit:
kids Crafts is to get the sub- or being charged by bears is no Follow Green Kid Crafts on Instagram to get ideas for
scribers up and moving their longer appealing, though her DIY science and art projects:
bodies, while they are learning husband is still working in this
at the same time. “I am deeply field. To learn more about Penny, follow her on Twitter:
involved in the product design, Penny’s need to help save
just because as a very cre- the planet has trickled down