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Women of Distinction

        purchasing a second unit in this condo   And then 1% of our team members time   the world. The focus of Krista's own charity,
        complex downtown and asked if they could   would also be dedicated toward service   Unknown Voices, is to educate the youths in
        do a quick walk through so he could make   and outreach.                  San Diego to be aware of all that is going
        a final decision and then he would take   Krista’s non-profit is called Unknown   on around them. "We focus on issues that
        her on the tour of the city.  Krista agreed,   Voices, and on the profit side, she has   impact our youth.  We teach them about
        “I walked into this place, and every hair   Clutch Branding and Merack Publishing.   the horrible problem of human trafficking
        on my body stood up.  By the end of that   "Within these companies, we serve indi-  in San Diego so that they don't get dragged
        weekend, he had said to me, you know, you                                 into it because they are ignorant of its exis-
        should live in this new unit that I'm buying.”                            tence.  We are currently putting together a
           Krista knew she wanted to live in San                                  proposal to host a TEDx youth conference
        Diego, but she had a life back in Vancouver                               here in San Diego, where we would tackle
        and couldn’t just pick up and move to a                                   two distinct objectives.  Saving yourself and
        new country on such short notice. So, he                                  saving the world. We would talk to young
        told her that he felt she would be the per-                               people about things like body image and
        fect tenant and would not look for anyone                                 social media, topics that directly affect
        else until he heard otherwise from her.                                   them, and how they feel about themselves.
           When you know things are meant to be,                                  Then also bringing them up to speed on
        they just somehow fall into place.  The next                              things like human trafficking, or climate
        day Krista received a call from a friend of a                             change, and how they can do their part
        friend who was looking for a fully furnished                              to be a great global citizen while building
        one-bedroom apartment in Vancouver, and                                   themselves up as well.”
        she needed it starting the following month.                                  As busy as Krista is, she still concen-
           Krista couldn’t believe this was happen-                               trates on the main priority in her life, her
        ing, but before she knew it, she was pack-                                seven-year-old daughter Kennedy and her
        ing up her belongings and heading to San                                  12-year-old stepdaughter Lindsay, and of
        Diego. The stars were definitely aligned for                              course the love of her life, Ryan.
        Krista, "I had not only moved to my dream                                    Krista rereleased her book 'Get Noticed,
        location, but just two weeks after I got here,                            Be Remembered,' last year making some
        I met the love of my life, Ryan.”                                     Photos courtesy of Krista Clive-Smith  minor changes to it. "I was honored to find
           This experience taught Krista a vital                                  out that my book received the Ben Franklin
        lesson, follow your heart. A few weeks after                              award this year, an Independent press
        Krista moved to San Diego she landed a                                    award and an International book award. I
        role as the host of a TV show on personal                                 was also just informed that it will be used
        branding. The only problem was that the                                   as a textbook for a course on personal
        job was in Canada.  They were searching for                               branding at Purdue University."
        a female Canadian host who was an expert                                     I asked Krista to tell our readers what
        in personal branding. "Since I was living in   viduals who have established expertise in   she has learned along this path to success
        San Diego, they put it in my contract that   a nonfiction category.   We publish their   and what her book says to the world. “I
        they would fly me to Vancouver to film, and   manuscript and build their personal brand,   think it's really about determining and
        then back to San Diego in between filming,   because as an author it's one thing to write   discovering who you really are at your most
        so I could actually live here in the US.”  a book and monetize it, but especially in   authentic core, and then empowering and
           When the show ended, Krista searched   the nonfiction space, you need to build a   inspiring people to use their voice in the
        for another position that would allow her to   platform.  We help people develop their   world so that those gifts that are unique
        remain in the US on a work visa.  She land-  personal brand, which comes with a per-  to them, can be put out there to serve the
        ed a new job which gave her a three-year   sonal brand logo, a website, and a strategy   world in the best way they can. People
        work visa, though it wouldn’t be needed,   for how to monetize it.        need to have the courage to dream bigger
        since one year into the visa she and Ryan   Krista’s fourth business is called Little   than what they are comfortable dreaming,
        were married.                        Authors Academy, which is an afterschool   and just being brave enough to take one
           Happily married and living in San   enrichment program and summer camp.   tiny step in that direction.”
        Diego, Krista knew it was the time to finally   They are just about to launch their Little   “With courage and persistence and an
        take the leap and open her own business.   Authors at home division, which helps kids   open mind, you can accomplish any goal.
        Today Krista has a family of companies…   when they're young, to empower them and   Remember, it is hard to drive a parked car.
        four for profits and one 501c3 non-profit   inspire them to use their voice and put it   Once you get in the driver's seat of your life
        “I really believe in the power of integrated   into written form. They can write books,   and you start going, then everything along
        philanthropy, which essentially means that   and Krista’s company will publish them   the way can give you feedback. Is this clos-
        you integrate your philanthropic side of   while they're kids.            er to where I want to go? Or further from
        who you are right into the fabric of how   Krista still spends a reasonably large   it?  Just continue to do what a GPS does,
        you do business. So, when I started the   portion of her life speaking, coaching and   you continue to course correct toward what
        for-profits, I started the non-profit at the   consulting, but one of her great loves is   feels right and what feels like your ultimate
        same time so that even while it's young,   a charity that she has been a part of for   ideal destination. There's an amazing quote
        I could be donating. We donate 1% of   quite some time called Watts of Love. (www.  by Martin Luther King Jr that says 'you
        revenue now while we're smaller, but then This organization distrib-  don't need to see the whole staircase, just
        that'll eventually turn to 1% of the profit.   utes solar lights to the ultra poor around   take the first step.’
        You can reach Krista at or visit her website at
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