Page 52 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Become A Certified


                                              BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY

                             The Institute is the 1st to offer live-streaming
                                      aromatherapy course instruction!

                        240 hour Aromatherapy Certification Program (ACP).
                     This program is directed towards students that are Essential
                     Oil ethusiasts OR have the goal of becoming an Aromatherapy
                     Professional. Upon completion of this course you will have a solid

                     foundation and ability to launch a new career or business.

                     Enrolled students will have direct access to the
                     Institutes all inclusive program:

                     * Live streaming interactive course instruction.

                     * A beautifully pre-printed tactile core


                     * Exclusive video learning library.

                     * Instructor supervised private student
                        community forum.

                     * Detailed guidance and direction on how to

                        create your own personal brand/label, including product formulation
                        guidelines, and regulations, upon successful completion of the program.

                        Learn The Art & Science of Therepeutic Plant Based

                                       Treatments To Support Your Health
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