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San Diego Woman Magazine’s
Kristi Neal Risé Edney
Title Insurance Kristi is a sales representative with Title365. Title Risé Edney, former corporate sales person, current
insurance provides home buyers and lenders with vital
Sales Executive protection against losses from certain title issues includ- Corporate Sales volunteer extraordinaire, and major people person.
She currently assists her husband in his Business
ing forgery, fraud, and liens – problems that might limit a Succession and Estate Planning practice as Broker-
homeowner’s use and enjoyment of their property. She age Director with Mass Mutual and as owner of
works with home buyers/sellers, realtors and lenders. Estate Resource Group, a firm of professionals
Kristi specializes in business planning and marketing involved in all aspects of tax planning for success-
solutions with agents of all levels and skill sets, assisting ful business owners, their key employees, and their
clients achieve results in their business development families. Rise is also an Ambassador for the San
efforts. She proudly represents Title365, offering the very Diego County Fair and works with the fairgrounds
best products and services in the business. She is throughout the year.
personally dedicated to providing superior customer She has embedded herself in the community. Rise
service and support to the people she works with, is considered a center of influence and an excellent
help them achieve their goals and ultimately increase referral source who delights in creating partnerships
their business. For more information email Kristi at for either business purposes or just helping someone
"" find that “perfect deal”. "mailto:raedney@prodigy.
or Mobile: 858.752.1115 | Office: 619.564.5600 net" or reach her by phone at
Member WEG 858.361.8236 Member WEG
Anna Doxie La Vita Compounding Pharmacy
Anna Doxie is a Mother to 6 beautiful children. A
Aromatherapist Registered Aromatherapist, Educator and Organic La Vita Compounding Pharmacy’s promise is
Cosmetic Formulator. Currently she serves on the to help people live better, longer by
Board of Directors for NAHA as Director personalizing medications made with care,
Coordinator and Director of the Southern California Compounding quality and safety. Utilizing advanced genomic
Region (National Association for Holistic Pharmacy and laboratory technology in collaboration with
Aromatherapy). Anna's passion for sharing quality, its physicians allows La Vita to stay on the
authentic aromatherapy education, as well as her leading edge of patient care. Patent-pending
desire to create an accessible, mentor-based formulations are exclusively offered at La Vita.
aromatherapy education, led to the founding of the Proud to be among the 1% of US pharmacies
Institute of Holistic Phyto-Aromatherapy. The that hold PCAB (Pharmacy Compounding
Institute offers an in person and live-streaming, 240- Accreditation Board) for both sterile and
hour program to certify professional Aromatherapist. non-sterile compounding. Only SD pharmacy
Find more information at www.AuthenticAromather- providing exclusive access to insurance
apy or call 1-800-909-6985. Email: coverage of compounded medications through Find the UCM network (United Compounding
the Institute on Facebook @ https://www.facebook. Management) allowing personalized medicine San Diego
com/aromacourses/. to be within reach. Woman
Tamara Badkerhanian-Ganev
LightBridge Jill Mendlin BSE Engineering, Inc. is an award-winning woman-
Hospice and LightBridge Hospice and Palliative Care is the leader in owned, full service and multi-disciplinary Mechanical/
their field, due to their quality of care and expertise in
Palliative Care end of life care. LightBridge is nurse-owned and staffed Mechanical Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) and Energy Engineering 49
by qualified hospice professionals, who share their Engineer (EE) firm with a key focus on energy efficiency and
unique vision of supporting patients and families to move sustainable projects in local, state and federal
through the last stages of life with grace, strength, dignity government sectors. BSE Engineering’s core
and hope. Their hospice team includes physicians, statement of value is “Designing Your Sustainable
nurses, social workers, spiritual care counselors, hospice Future”. The firm is a certified Small Business
aides, and volunteers. Among their many recognitions Enterprise (SBE) by the State of California
for outstanding care, LightBridge has received The Joint Department of General Services and a Small Local
Commission's Gold Seal of Approval for Excellence. Business Enterprise (SLBE) certified by the City
They offer programs unique to hospice care including a of San Diego. BSE engineering has successfully
specialized Veterans program, one for Dementia, The completed over 3500 projects with over 1000 being
Jewish Ohr Ami Program, Heart to Heart Cardiac Prime Contracts with various local, state and federal
Program and Palliative Care. For more information governmental agencies. The firm’s mechanical
contact LightBridge by Phone: 858.458.2992 or by Principal-in-Charge is Tamara Badkerhanian-Ganev
Email at or visit their AScT, LEED AP. (858)
website: 279-2000
Dr. Marialyn Sardo MD, FACS
Dr. Kristine Reese The Center for Beauty in La Jolla provides
an elite cosmetic experience, from your
LotusRain Naturopathic Clinic, Inc. initial consultation to post-surgical care.
Naturopathic If you are considering any cosmetic
Medicine At LotusRain we offer Naturopathic Primary Care Plastic Surgeon procedure, Dr. Sardo should be top of your
in a positive, light-filled space. Additional services list. With more than 20 years of cosmetic
include IV Therapy, Integrative Oncology, HBOT, surgery, plastic surgery and reconstructive
and Infrared Sauna. Join us in your pursuit of surgery experience, you can be certain
optimal health by contacting our office via e-mail your results will be extraordinary. As a
at, via phone at female plastic surgeon, Dr. Sardo brings
619-239-LIFE (5433), or visiting us online at an artistic hand and a woman’s sensitivity We are located at 5210 to her refined technical skills. Whether
Balboa Avenue, Suite F, San Diego, CA 92117. you are considering breast enhancement,
Optimize your care, your health, your life! reduction or lift, tummy tuck, or are ready
for your mommy makeover, Contact The
Center for Beauty toll free now for more
information and a free consultation at
866-Dr Sardo