Page 46 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 46
Curry and More – a Restaurant Review Review of Pickle’s Café & Deli
By Gerald M. Neff By Sondra Jane Smith
From the outside, the smoked windows do not give any hint of the fine Who doesn’t love “Homemade Food Away From Home” at a
food and ambiance waiting for you inside. A large lighted sign over the reasonable price? And who doesn’t love it even more when it’s
restaurant doorway announces “Curry and More”. served at a woman-owned establishment? So the next time
Upon opening the door an abundance of exotic but pleasant odors
descends upon your sense of smell. May it be the cardamom, clove, you are looking for a casual and inexpensive breakfast or lunch
turmeric or even the more familiar coriander or onion with meats. It is a in central Carlsbad, skip Starbucks and Subway and stop by
fitting flavorful welcome of deliciousness for what is to come. Pickle’s Café and Deli. As its name suggests, both California
You are met at the door by a maître de who asks where would you like health food nuts and New York deli fans will feel at home at
to sit, or if it is crowded tells you what is available for your dinning Pickle’s and find something to love.
pleasure. Once you and your guests are seated the maître de sends Owned and operated by local businesswoman Ann Boghosian,
a waitperson with menus and water, or if you wish tea, coffee or Pickle’s offers an amazing variety of fresh and delicious menu
something stronger. items in the $6-8 price range (including sales tax). One of my
The menu accurately describes a vast number of typical and not so favorites is the hearty Duke Wrap with hummus, avocado,
typical Indian dishes and their respective prices are quite reasonable sunflower seeds, garbanzo beans, cucumbers and red peppers
from eight to fifteen dollars for the noon meal, or a slightly higher twelve in a flour tortilla for $5.57. Another crowd-pleaser is the ample
to twenty two dollars for the evening meal. Citrus Chicken Gourmet Salad with grilled chicken breast,
Noon service is quite busy as it is popular with the local business iceberg lettuce, mixed greens, avocado, feta cheese, green
community. The noon menu is an all-encompassing affair with main onions, dried cranberries, pecans and green apple for $6.99. In
plates such as Tandoori chicken or curries, and includes salad, pita addition to daily specials, Pickle’s offers a well-stocked salad
bread and other small side dishes (and even a small delicious lentil bar, made-from-scratch soups, and sandwiches featuring a wide
soup). The evening meal is slightly different with a more 'a la carte' array of fresh meats and cheeses. For a New York deli-style
menu; main course is sixteen to twenty two dollars with choice of sides, sandwich, try the Queens Melt with turkey, roast beef, bacon,
and bread being extra -five different types of bread including whole cheddar cheese, coleslaw, mustard and dressing on toasted
wheat. sourdough for $5.99. Or try the Reuben, or the Philly Roast Beef
The interior decoration is sparse but tastefully done in contemporary oil for the same price: All of the Fancy Choice Hot Sandwiches
paintings with various Indian scenes (local women with earthen ware are good - some are crazy good. As a Californian might say:
jugs at the well) are bright but well-done modern art pieces. “Insanely delicious, man!”
The bistro seats approximately 40 to 45 people with tables and chairs Like the food, the dining experience at Pickle’s is the best of
arranged all along the outer walls and a scattering of tables in the both worlds. The flooring has a classic black-and-white
center. To the right, and taking up almost the entire rear of the
46 restaurant, is a large glass encased kitchen where you can watch three chequered design reminiscent of a New York deli. You order
cooks with the variety of fired woks and open fire grills for the constant and pay at the cashier counter in the back and pick up your food
from the deli counter in the front. As in a typical California café,
frying and sautéing of dishes for the eagerly awaiting clientele. Besides there is a well-lit, air-conditioned dining area decorated with
the fine styles of known and unknown Indian dishes there is included a colorful posters of fruits and vegetables as well as a small patio.
spice chart for both connoisseurs and novice palates alike: From a mild
no spice to a seven point very high hot and spicy. Truly emblematic is the beautiful hand-painted mural of hot-air
A must try for the Indian food fans and a nice choice for those not so balloons floating over a farmer’s fields framed by – what
familiar with these types of Indian dishes. The pleasant gentleman, else? – Giant pickles!
Sahil Malhotra, who owns and operates the restaurant attends to your Pickle’s is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday.
every need. Breakfast is served until 10:30 a.m. It’s located at 5670
This is the best food of its genre my wife and I have had in the North El Camino Real in the Carlsbad Gateway Center, just north of
County San Diego area. A definite must try is the restaurant Curry and Faraday Avenue on the east side of El Camino Real. Look for
More. This delicious spot is located in the Grand Mall of San Marcos on the orange umbrellas. Although there is plenty of free
113 South Las Posas Rd., and reservations at (760) 736-4540. parking (but no public restrooms), many customers walk over
from nearby office
buildings and check their phones with the free Wi-Fi. You can
see the menu at then call
(760) 431-1333 to order ahead or place an order for pick-up.
With over 40 wholesome and well-priced menu items to choose
from, you could eat at Pickle’s every day for a month, not get
bored and not go broke. As a New Yorker might say: “You gotta
love that!”