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Power Styles for All Ages Reiki’s Beginnings
The best part about a haircut is that it can be used as an extension
of your personality. It has been a major way for many people to By Carol Heath
express themselves, whether they’re trying to showcase their mood,
their status or their persona. Reiki is a laying of hands on the body in
Whether it’s kept long or short, a power hairstyle is one that simply various positions to heal. It is recognized
elevates you in accordance with your career and your goals. Some as the most used form of hands on
of the most influential women in the world feature power hairstyles healing in the world. Although the
that have become synonymous with their names. traditional Reiki story begins with the mid
1800’s, it actually originated in far more
Over the years, these power hairstyles haven’t lost any of their ancient times: Back as far as 620 BC
charm, charisma, and appeal. The following are some of the best with the birth of Gautama Siddhartha in
power hairstyles you can get, regardless of your age. Among the India. We can find in Egypt’s Book of the
most iconic that powerful women still wear today are the bob and Dead, pictures depicting this practice dat-
the pixie cut. ing back to 1400 B.C.
The Bob The most traditional story, which is
related in most books, is that of Mikao
Usui. Although there seems to be
some disputed facts concerning Usui’s
affiliation with certain schools, his
story of Reiki is seldom challenged. The
story most likely has been exaggerated
through the years, but it is still based on
fact and folklore – you decide.
Mikao Usui, a Christian minister and
principal of the University of Kyoto,
Japan, was asked by his students if
he could show them the method used
This is also one of the best low maintenance hairstyles ever and by Jesus to heal his flock. Usui began to ponder this question, which led to a
with the hectic schedules maintained by working women, this is 10-year quest for the answer. He learned that this healing art was not known in
really convenient. Whether it’s layered, long or short, the bob is a his homeland. After more investigation, he learned from some Buddhist monks,
classic and many powerful women sport different variations of this that the ancient spiritual healing method could only be attained through the
cut. Path of Enlightenment. He studied the Sanskrit writings and learned nothing
Made famous by many iconic stars, the bob is associated with of the healing art. Usui returned home and lived in a Zen monastery, where
strong independent women for centuries now. Oprah Winfrey is a he spent years studying the Sanskrit writing about this healing art. Usui finally
name, recognized on a global level and she sported a layered bob discovered a simple formula for contacting a higher power. After conferring with
in some of the more iconic years of her TV career. It not only made the Abbott of the monastery, Usui made the decision to follow the instructions
the bob extremely popular, it became known as Oprah’s bob in he discovered in the formula.
many places. Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of Vogue magazine, Usui trudged up the holy mountain of Koriyama, where he fasted, meditated
US, is known for sporting a clean, sharp bob that goes well with her and followed the directions of the formula for 21 days. He constructed a pile of San Diego Woman
personality. 21 stones and with the passing of each day he discarded a stone to mark that
Pixie Cut day. At the end of the 20th day, Usui had no idea how to activate the energy
to heal. Just before dawn on the 21st day he arose to a standing position and
wondered what he should do next when he noticed a very bright light coming
towards him. He continued to look at the light and realized that this light had 43
consciousness, because it was communicating with him. He knew instinctively
that if he was to receive the healing power of the light, he would have to allow
this light to hit him. He was told that this light was so powerful that if he allowed
it to hit him it may kill him. Usui was given the opportunity to risk death and
receive the power or live and remain as he was. He decided the risk of dying
was the final step in his long quest to find the answer he sought.
The light struck Usui in the third eye and he was knocked unconscious. During
his black out he left his physical body and saw beautiful bubbles filled with
A hair cut that is quite uncommon and exceedingly bold; the pixie many colors and symbols. He began to study these symbols and with each
cut hit the limelight with Halle Berry, when she went from having symbol he studied, he received an attunement to his body. And with these
shoulder length hair to sporting a tiny pixie cut that accentuated her attunements Usui was initiated into the physic rediscovery of the ancient form
features. of healing.
Ellen Degeneres is another powerful woman and an influential Usui left Mt. Koriyama with the knowledge that all ancient healers had before
celebrity who sports a pixie cut as well. The cut while extremely him. While journeying down the mountain he experienced four miracles, known
short, lays emphasis feminine features of the women while also as the ‘Four Miracles of Reiki.’ First, he stubbed his toe and
making them look masculine. It is believed that this makes them instinctively grasped it with his hands, which became hot and he healed his
look like they are more competent and up to the challenge of run- own toe. Secondly, he came to a house which was occupied by pilgrims. He
ning their jobs, like their male co-workers. requested a full meal, and although he had not eaten in 21 days, he ate the
entire meal with no discomfort. Thirdly, the kind woman who fed him, held her
Should You Go Shorter? hand to her face, and when Usui asked her why she told him she had a tooth
Most power styles are meant for short hair. This is largely owing ache. Usui placed his hands on her face and her pain was gone. And the fourth
to the fact that when a woman’s hair is balanced, holding the right and final miracle, when he returned to the monastery Usui found the Abbott in
amount of masculinity and the right amount of femininity, she is bed suffering from arthritis; Usui healed the monk with his hands. Usui named
looked upon as more competent, intelligent and confident as this gift Reiki, which means universal life force energy.
compared to girls with longer hairstyles. It should be noted there are some serious flaws in the story I just related. When
Whether you go short or not, when you’re opting for a power researched there were no records found of Usui ever teaching at Doshisha
hairstyle, you will end up taking a huge change with your hair, one University, and it is I doubtful he was a Christian. There is also some confusion
that will make a large impact on your career so always make sure as to how he learned to read Sanskrit, as it is an ancient form of communica-
to research your options. Check out Valente Hair for more styles for tion and not readily used at the time of Usui’s quest. Whether you found Usui’s
busy empowered women. story believable or not, Reiki is practiced by millions of people all over the
Check out Valente Hair on the website at http://www.valentehair. world; I’m a believer and a Reiki Master/Teacher.
com/ for more styles for busy empowered women.