Page 38 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Her Middle Name Should be

                                                                               Never Give Up

                                                                                 By Janice Carter-Booth
                                                                                   (Alexis's Grandma)

           Published Author
         International Artist
                                    ©StudioDeeba “Portrait of a Mermaid”
            Where the pen meets the brush

                                 Fine Art
                               TradeMarks                                                     Photo Courtesy of Janice Carter-Booth
                                 Branding                                 Chargers Challenger Team
                             Ghost Writing
                                                                 Top L-R: Bella, Kiera, Assist. Coach Alexis, Abby, Assist. Coach Miriah, Coach
                                                                    Nichole, Miriah, Haley, Malia, Tedi, Kayla, Bottom Row: Katie, Meli

                                                                 She is 24 and so much more! Her name is Alexis Booth and
           ©StudioDeeba                                          she was born with a disease that has not been detected in
            “Buster”                   Call Today                any other person as of yet. Born premature and so very tiny,
 38                                  760.720.3322                but somehow with a resilient spirit that she still holds to this
                                                                 day, she has managed to live more than three times the
                                                                 doctor’s prediction of 7 years. By the age of 2 she’d had 9
                                                                 operations, all-relating to a cyst that seeps into her spine
                                                                 causing pressure on the spinal cord. Somehow with a very
                                                                 strong will to live, and her family always going the extra mile
                                                                 to help her reach her goals, she has blossomed into a
                                                                 beautiful young women. Even though she resides in a
                                                                 wheelchair and, of her four limbs, she only has a right hand
                                                                 and arm that work properly; never the less she makes things
                                                                 happen in a big way: For now her two big goals are studying
                                                                 forensic anthropology at Palomar College, and remaining a
                                                                 Her mother, Nichole, who always treated her as a child who
                                                                 could do anything she set her mind to, kept her going in
                                                                 many different activities. Such as when she was in Jr High
                                                                 and would help in a special education classroom working
                                                                 with younger students. Her favorite activity started when she
                                                                 was about 9 years old. It was Cheerleading with Pop Warner.
                                                                 When she first started she didn't have an electric wheel chair,
                San Diego Writer’s Annex                         so Mom had to push her through all the maneuvers. At 16,
                                                                 she was at the age she could not stay in regular Pop Warner
                          574 E. Mission Road                    but they luckily found the Challenger Cheer leading group.
                                Suite I                          They were in desperate need of a coach, so Mom
                       San Marcos, California 92069
                                                                 volunteered, as head coach and Alexis and a good friend,
          If you always dreamed of being a writer, or are currently a writer, this is the place for you. We  Miriah, stepped in to be assistant coaches. Our very own
          have how-to-books, special topic reports, writing materials, gifts for writers, a research center,
          workshops, disussion groups, one-on-one coaching with professional writers and editors, book  Chargers have become their sponsors this year. There are
          doctors, ghostwriters, seminars, and a friendly community especially for writers.  16 girls and young ladies, that range from 5yrs. and up, with
             So if you are a writer, or know someone who is, stop by San Diego Writer’s Annex  a variety of disabilities. They are also the only Challenger
                          To find out more visit us at:          team in San Diego. The girls cheer for the Challenger football
                         team made of boys and girls. They are truly an inspiration to
          email:  Phone: 888 275 7125  watch.
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