Page 37 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Hannah Martine…

                   Susan G. Komen San Diego’s Honorary Survivor of the Year

         When you hear the words “You have Stage 4 Breast Cancer,” it is easy to   • You do not need to have family history of breast cancer to get it.
         understand the gripping fear that you feel. But when you are not even 30   •Stage IV breast cancer is not a death sentence.
         years old, one can only imagine the disbelief and terror.  These are the
         words that were told to Hannah Martine, who was named the 2016 Susan   As a Stage IV survivor, she will never be considered cancer free, but
         G. Komen San Diego Honorary Survivor of the Year.      Hannah is now in remission, healthy and back to full energy both at work
         The year was 2015 and Hannah had just started a job at Oster and   and in her other hobbies and daily activities. Hannah and her friends at
         Associates, as a Public Relations Specialist when she received the   Oster just participated in their second Race for the Cure on November 6th
         frightening diagnosis.  “I was just settling into my role at Oster and Associ-  2016. Through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, medications and routine
         ates and focusing on building my career when I was diagnosed,” said   check-ups, she hopes to stay in remission indefinitely.
         Hannah. “I didn’t know how my new bosses would react, so when I shared
         the news with the management                                        Hannah celebrated her 30th birthday on June 17 of
         team, I was beyond thankful                                         this year: A poignant milestone for anyone, made even
         when they were supportive and                                       more special as she finished her final round of radiation
         committed to helping me through                                     just six days after. How did she mark the occasion? By
         treatment.”                                                         doing something special, something she has always
                                                                             wanted to do - a picnic by the ocean. At the party, she
         When Hannah was diagnosed with                                      and a close group of friends along with her Mom and
         Stage IV breast cancer (metastatic                                  sister, toasted to a stunning San Diego sunset,
         breast cancer) she was scared                                       celebrating Hannah, her strength, courage, determina-
         and had many questions. Her                                         tion and love of life.
         first instinct was to contact Susan                                 “I’m in remission, but the fight isn’t over, said Hannah.
         G. Komen San Diego to receive                                       “It’s never over. As a Stage IV survivor, I am not cancer
         resources as well as the emo-                                       free. There’s no return to my “old life.” Living with ad-
         tional support she so desperately                                   vanced cancer means living with continued
         needed. The organization not                                        monitoring, managing daily medication and its side
         only provided emotional support,                                    effects, and battling the constant fear of wondering if
         they also gave her financial aid                                    the cancer will return.”
         throughout her treatment, which                                     On November 6, Hannah and more than 15,000 San
         helped her immensely as a young,                                    Diegans joined together to participate in the 2016 Race
         single professional living on a                                     for the Cure. Participating in the Race helps Komen
         budget with no family in town.                                      San Diego provide free services for every step of the
         Komen San Diego is the County’s                                     breast cancer journey:
         largest funder of free breast                                       • Diagnostic mammograms, biopsies, MRI’s, ultra-
         cancer services and support and                                     sounds and more for qualified women who have
         is the only organization providing                                  nowhere to turn when breast cancer strikes.
         qualified women the free services                                   • Temporary financial aid – including rent, mortgage,
         they need for every step of the                                     prescription drug payments and more.
         breast cancer journey.                                              • Meal delivery for a woman and her entire family.
         Metastatic breast cancer is breast                                  • Intensive patient navigation – complete with emotional
         cancer that has spread beyond the                                   support for all.
         breast to other organs in the body                                  • The world’s largest investment of breast cancer   37
         (most often the bones, lungs, liver or brain). Although metastatic breast   research – next to the U.S. government. Since 1982, Susan G. Komen has
         cancer cannot be cured, it does not mean that it can’t be treated. Nearly   invested more than $889 million in over 2,400 grants for breast cancer
         half of Susan G. Komen’s funding for 2015 was invested in metastatic   research. Currently in San Diego there is more than $2 million in five
         research bringing metastatic research to $147 million in 377 grants since   active grants at work to find the cure!
         the founding of the organization; the most of any organization outside of   • Wherever there’s a gap – Komen San Diego fills it.
         the U.S. government.                                   • For more information about Susan G. Komen San Diego or to make a
         “The research Komen is working on in the metastatic field is vital for me,   donation, please visit:
         as I will most likely always have to be in treatment of some kind, and when   ABOUT THE RACE FOR THE CURE
         the next drug stops working I am relying on the advancements of research   The Komen Race for the Cure is a unique 5K and 1 mile race designed and
         to discover the next best option,” said Martine. “As a Stage IV young  implemented to promote positive awareness, education and early detection of breast
          survivor, my life is extended by advancements in research.”  cancer. It has proved to be an enormously effective way to reach many women
         In September 2015, Hannah began a tough treatment plan which included   and men with the message that breast cancer does not have to be fatal if regular
         chemotherapy, a mastectomy, radiation and more. Her bosses at Oster   mammograms and breast self-exams become routine. As well as being a road race
         worked around her treatment schedule, providing flexible work hours and   for runners, the Komen Race for the Cure is an emotionally charged event attracting
         the flexibility to work from home, if she needed. Co-workers joined Hannah   many first timers and recreational runners. It is an opportunity for thousands of
         in walking the 2015 Susan G. Komen San Diego Race for the Cure and   women, men and their families, running or walking, to share a message of hope and
         visited her while she was in the hospital. They brought her meals while she   inspiration with their communities.
         recovered and sent thoughtful gifts, cards and more.
         From the moment of her diagnosis Hannah’s life would forever change.
         Much of her time was spent at doctor’s offices.  She was also faced with a
         postoperative staff infection.  She even had to face issues of
         reproduction; since she found out that the Cancer treatment might affect
         her ability to conceive she had to get her eggs frozen to make sure she
         could have children. Through all of this Hannah has worked to find the
         good in a bad situation. She has taken it upon herself to become an
         advocate to help dispel certain breast cancer myths such as:
         • A lump does not have to feel like a lump.
         • 29 is not too young to have breast cancer.
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