Page 35 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 35

Honesty in Beauty

                                                                                                      By Deeba Van Overberghe

       Sitting in Café Cute on the corner of blah blah & blah blah blah, she   As I did research for this article, I was impressed with all of the
       was sipping her coffee while waiting for her boyfriend to show up.   blogs and vlogs “out there” that cover the wide range of ideas and
       Late as usual, she thought. The bell atop the door jingled and she   opportunities that beauty evokes. The youth of today really have a
       looked up, hopeful that he was perhaps changing his bad habit,   grip on their bodies and what they accept and define and redefine
       when she was struck by the most beautiful moment.        as beautiful.  And, the music industry supports this shift and change.
       Walking through the door was . . . errr!                 Ethnicity has now been included in our society’s definition of what is
                                                                beautiful. Thank Gawd! Because I grew up in the sixties and
       Wait. How would you define that beautiful moment? Would it have   seventies when beauty was defined by models who had bleached
       been a tall dark and handsome, or a pregnant mother with her tod-  blond hair and looked as if they suffered from rickets.
       dlers, or maybe a gorgeous model with the light shining off the care-
       fully place tints of color in her hair? I guess it would really depend   For me, I would have to say what best defines beauty is honesty.
       on what you define as beautiful, wouldn’t it?            That unedited moment that one is privileged to witness where there
                                                                is pure honesty. For instance when a child looks up at their parents
       What is beauty? Much like art, it is subjective. It’s a personal   with absolute love and adoration in their eyes, or the gentle nudge

                                                                                                                        San Diego  Woman

       experience. What one person thinks is beautiful another does not   of a parent’s hand in the middle of their back encouraging them to
       and so it goes. We try to put labels on it such as Coco Channel or   move forward. This to me is a moment of beauty.   35
       Gucci. We even try to bottle it and sell it to those less fortunate than
       others who do not have that esthetic quality that may be popular   I remember when I was a young girl, my father would carve wood by
       today but not tomorrow. And yet, I’ve seen some people who lack   hand, using a planer…seeing the repetition of that beautiful old tool
       said esthetics look beautiful and some incredibly beautiful people   moving down the plank of wood, the smell of the shavings as they
       look , well, ugly. Why is that? You can do all the right things to be   became detached. The sound. The rhythmic movement and the
       a size two Barbie Doll with loads of makeup, but if you don’t have   beauty of creativity transitioning from my father’s eye to the piece of
       intrinsic beauty all your actions will be for nothing. Audrey Hepburn   wood, as if he could already see what it would become. That to me
       once said, “Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside   was a moment in beauty I was privileged to witness. It was as if all
       but it doesn't help if you’re ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the   was forgotten except the act itself…as if we got out of the way as
       make-up.”                                                the beauty in that moment unfurled.

       By definition, beauty stirs the senses or the mind. I feel it is   What I would like to support and invite you to support is that we
       essential for both the beautiful and the witness to share and   define beauty by our honest and truthful way of being. We realize
       appreciate the experience. It doesn’t come in a bottle or a dress.   that true beauty, comes from within where honesty meets up with
       Can we think about this for a second? It comes from deep within us   intentions and sets the pace for beautiful moments to be experi-
       all, the act or the moment that someone or something is   enced. Look into the nooks and crannies of life and find the beauty
       evoking and another is witnessing. Beauty has to be experienced in   that exists there. I invite us all to find that space within ourselves
       order for it to be defined and that it is witnessed before it can truly   that is fully accepting of who and what we are and that we celebrate
       be appreciated. This idea calls for the person witnessing the beauty   and recognize it in others. No more competition set by standards
       to incorporate and then translate what they are seeing or   designed by the few who wish to attain whatever they want through
       experiencing. So now beauty is being experienced beyond its self   tactics that are less than honorable. We define our own beauty. We
       and is dependent upon another’s perspective to be further defined   experience beauty by that definition. Not the media, not power
       and it’s this interpretation that can be a little tricky. Depending on   hungry megalomaniacs. We the teachers of love and life, we define
       who the witness is and how they want to experience that beauty.  the standards of beauty. We should stand firm on this. Find beauty
                                                                in all the unusual places and begin to celebrate it together.
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