Page 31 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 31

A Letter From Dr. Tess Mauricio

                         I'm Dr. Tess Mauricio, graduate of Stanford University Medical School, Founder of M Beauty by Dr Tess clinics.  I usually talk to you about beauty, but today,
                         I'd like to talk to you about  something more serious, embarrassing, depressing, and life changing that affected my cousin when she visited me from Canada...
                         with urinary incontinence.
                         Studies show that starting from the age of 18 years old, 50%-75% of women suffer from some type of urinary incontinence. The 2 main causes of this embar-
                         rassing problem are childbirth and menopause.  My cousin was only 44 years old but she kept going to the bathroom at least every 30 minutes, and she
                         didn't want to go anywhere even though she was on vacation.  I knew that something was wrong.  She finally told me that a couple of years after she had her
                         second child via normal vaginal delivery, she started having problems controlling her bladder.  She would always bring extra underwear because she was
        afraid that she would wet herself.  What's worse is that she didn't want to tell anyone because she was so embarrassed and thought that there was no treatment for it.  She did not even
        realize this is not normal. She thought this was just part of normal aging. Luckily, she was visiting our San Diego clinic on the day she told me about her urinary problem and I told her she
        should try the O Shot.

        She was a little nervous about the procedure, but I told her that it doesn't really hurt and it is very safe because it uses her own platelet rich plasma to regenerate tissues to help rebuild the
        area so she can have better control of her urine.  There is no downside to doing the procedure but there are lots of potential benefits that I have seen with my O Shot patients. She finally
        agreed and  I performed the O shot on her that same day.  She was very surprised at how quick and comfortable the procedure was.  We still were able to go shopping after her treatment.
        But the best part of the story was that in just couple of days after performing the O Shot, she was much better.  She was able to control her urine better and we even drove to my Beverly
        Hills clinic, which was over 2 hour drive from San Diego, without her having to go to the bathroom.  She could not believe how much better she was and how much more relaxed she felt not
        having to constantly think about going to the bathroom.
        Before she went back home to Canada, she gave me a big hug and said, "I didn't want to tell you how depressed and  embarrassed I was because of this problem but I'm so happy that I
        told you. Thank you so much Tess, you have changed my life and made me so happy!"

        My hope is that I can help other women like my cousin who are silently suffering.  I want to help women from feeling depressed and embarrassed about urinary incontinence and I want
        everyone to know that there is hope. In fact, since my cousin's visit, I have introduced game changing technologies and treatments for incontinence and women's intimate health.
        VConfidence and VTimeMachineProcedure combines the OShot with the CO2RE Intima laser treatment to optimize the results for patients.
        As one of the few female doctors to offer this procedure, please let me have the opportunity to help you.  Although the O Shot is a safe treatment, you should only trust an expert to perform
        this procedure. At MBeauty, I personally perform the O Shot, VConfidence and VTimeMachineProcedure so you can be confident that your procedure will be done properly and safely.
        Please contact us at one of our MBeauty clinics to discuss your options and other benefits that will improve your quality of life and happiness. I hope to see you soon.
        -Tess Mauricio, MD, FAAD

                                    Fur Ball
                                                                                                                       San Diego  Woman


                  San Diego Pet lovers gather every year for the annual fund raiser, that brings the
                  greatest amount of help to the San Diego Humane Society.  The support helps the
                Humane Society care for the many homeless and injured animals around the county.
                            In it’s 30th year, this year’s Fur Ball was as grand as ever with
        Barbara Lee Edwards as the emcee, and a host of beautiful furry attendees decked out in some
        of their finest party attire. Well-dressed pets and pet parents enjoyed a night of fine dining, raffles,
        auctions and dancing under the stars while helping to support the programs and services of the San
        Diego Humane Society. Get in on the fun early next year before the event gets sold out.  This is an
                                             event you won’t want to miss!
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