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Water – One of Nature’s Most Important Health and Beauty Secrets

 By Robyn Betts,

 Certified Touch for Health Instructor and Practitioner  Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor H.H.P with American Association of Drugless Practitioners

                   Adieu                                                    Don’t Go!!!

                    By Robert Tussey                                                By Judith Habert
          After (almost) ten years with San Diego Woman Magazine I will   There are no words to express how very much I will miss having
          be leaving the Copy Editor post.  It feels like an old movie ending   Bob Tussey looking over my shoulder, and making me look like
          where I stand up from my desk, put on my hat, and with a jacket   a much better writer than I am.  Matter of fact, I am in a state of
          over my shoulder I say, “g’night my friend.” The film fades to black   sheer panic, if I were to be honest.  As Bob can tell you all, and
          as I exit the front door and disappear into the fog:  Funny how   for many of you who know me personally will attest, it is hard to
          emotions draw the dramatic flair out in me. As with each parting in   shut me up once I start talking.  Well, it is no different when I am
          our lives there is the bittersweet and the feeling of ‘what now.’ Yet   writing.  If not for Bob and his excellent editing skills our 52-page
          I know it’s the right thing to do.                     publication might end up being 152 pages.
                                                                 It is Bob, whom I have relied on for almost ten years, to edit my
          Those of you, who have read my articles and the He Said She   writing down and to correct my grammar and punctuation.  For
          Said column, know that I am a musician and a writer/editor and   anyone out there who thinks writers are great at these elements of
          retired. These are the things that define me and I have left one   writing, let me tell you, most of us are not.  We may know how to
          of them at the doorstep for far too long:  My music. I have been a   express ourselves in words, but if not for our Copyeditors much of
          singer/songwriter since I was thirteen and first performed profes-  our writing would never see the light of day.
          sionally at sixteen. And once music is in your blood…it never   The truth is, over the past ten years Bob has been way more to
          leaves. In so many of the great articles I have edited here the   me than my Copyeditor.  He has been my inspiration, my ad-  San Diego
          word ‘passion’ stands out as the meme for success and begin-  versary (in He Said, She Said), my sounding board, but most   Woman
          nings. It’s never too late for (new) beginnings and now it is my   importantly he has been a great friend and someone I respect
          turn. I have never believed age should be a barricade to my   and appreciate dearly.  I consider Bob and his wife Lori, who puts
          dreams, or anyone’s dreams.                            up with many late nights, that I have kept him up working on our
                                                                 magazine (Thanks so much Lori!) to be friends that I will forever   27
          Editing San Diego Woman Magazine has truly been a once in a   cherish.  I am thankful that he will still be challenging me in our
          lifetime experience and I have loved every minute of it. What I   He Said, She Said Column each month, as our readers have
          have learned (confirmed) is the power women possess in char-  expressed how much they love hearing both sides of the story in
          acter and resilience. The power of inner strength and conviction.   our Battle of the Sexes!
          The power of belief. Of turning adversity into advantage. So many   Despite my sadness at losing the best Copyeditor ever, I can’t
          of these stories have been inspirational to me in that I have been   help but be so happy and excited for him.  He is an amazing musi-
          forced to look into myself and check my sense of these strengths.   cian and songwriter, and the fact that he is now able to dedicate
          That view has not always been what I had hoped it would be. But,   his time and energy to doing something he loves so much, fills
          things can change.                                     me with so much joy.  Plus, I can’t wait to hear his new songs and
                                                                 hopefully be invited to his upcoming performances.
          My life has been gifted with many strong and determined women:    You will know I am there Bob, I will be the lady in the first row
          Women whose character demanded attention and respect. Judith   cheering louder than anyone else.  We all love you at San Diego
          Habert is one of the best. I have watched, from the beginning of   Woman and wish you tons of happiness! Keep that music playing.
          this magazine, the struggles in her personal and professional life
          in bringing San Diego Woman Magazine to you, her peers and
          friends. More than inspiration, it has been (also) a chance to look
          back at myself to take inventory of what I could be doing better
          and where I should probably be at this stage in my life. My hat is
          off to this great lady.                                                  San Diego
          I will continue to write He Said She Said with Judith. This has   Woman
          been such an exciting way to poke fun at men and women,
          hopefully, in a way that entertained and gave some of you one of
          those, “Geez, that sounds familiar” moments.  Judith and I have
          so much fun, tinged with a bit of ‘what’s he/she going to say now.’
          What a privilege it has been and I look forward to this duel each
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