Page 26 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Water – One of Nature’s Most Important Health and Beauty Secrets

       By Robyn Betts,

       Certified Touch for Health Instructor and Practitioner  Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor H.H.P with American Association of Drugless Practitioners

     Dr. Batmanghelidj (Bat-man-ge-lij), a medical doctor born in Tehran in 1931,   processes these as foods, not as liquids, defeating the purpose.  Many of
     has been a key person in supporting this idea.  In 1979, the Iranian   these drinks contain high amounts of sugar, high fructose corn syrup,
     Revolution broke out and Dr. Batmanghelidj was imprisoned in Evin Prison   caffeine, and artificial sweeteners, flavor, and dyes.  Some of these are
     as a political prisoner and was soon to be executed.  The guards realized   even diuretics (pulling water from your body).
     he was useful as a resident doctor, so they held off his execution.  One   • It you don’t like plain water, try adding one slice of fruit (lemon, lime,
     night a prisoner was brought to him with severe peptic ulcer pain.    orange, cucumber, or apple) to it for flavor or a tiny amount of Himalayan
     Dr. Batmanghelij having no medication to offer, prescribed 2 glasses of   pink salt for added minerals.
     water.  Within 8 minutes, the prisoner’s pain was gone.  He instructed the   • Dr. Batmanghelidj says that a dry mouth is the last indication of
     prisoner to drink two glasses of water every three hours.  The prisoner was   dehydration.  As we age, our thirst mechanism tends to work less efficiently,
     pain free the remaining 4 months he was in prison.  Dr. Batmanghelidj   so older adults should keep this in mind.
     began to do research on the healing effects of water in Evin Prison, a   • Dr. Batmanghelidj also feels that many diseases are a warning sign of
     perfect “stress laboratory,” over the next 25 months.  At his trial he   dehydration.  When dehydration occurs, the “drought alert” system works
     presented his research to the judge as his                                      overtime releasing histamines, which
     final defense and his life was spared, so                                       create inflammation, pain, and disease as
     that he could continue his research.  During                                    a warning.  These symptoms should not
     his prison stay, he discovered water could                                      be covered up by medication, but used as
     prevent, relieve, and cure many painful                                         another indication for dehydration.
     degenerative diseases.                                                          Morning sickness is a sign that mother
                                                                                     and fetus are dehydrated.
     You are probably thinking:  “Water –                                            • To calculate how much water you need,
     really – it’s too simple?”  Here is why . . .                                   divide your weight by 2 and that is how
                                                                                     much water you need in ounces per day.
     • Picture your body as tiny streams running                                     Add more water in times of stress or when
     every which way throughout your entire                                          working out.
     body.  These streams make up 70% of your                                        • The best source of water is reverse
     body.                                                                           osmosis (R/O) with added minerals,
     • They carry blood, oxygen, and nutrients to
                                                                                     or spring water delivered to your home.
  San Diego  Woman  the cells and take waste away from the cells.                    Stay away from:
     • Neurotransmitters and hormones are just
                                                                                     • Bottled water for two reasons:
     some of the chemicals that act like
                                                                                     1.  An independent test performed by the
     telephone and internet lines carrying mes-
                                                                                     that bottle water had 38 contaminants in it,
     in water.
 26  sages to and from all parts of the body –                                       Environmental Working Group showed
     • Your kidneys are constantly filtering and
                                                                                     including disinfection byproducts (DBPs),
     recycling the blood and water in your body.                                     caffeine, Tylenol, nitrate, industrial chemi-
     They are sophisticated trash collectors                                         cals, arsenic and bacteria.
     processing about 50 gallons of blood daily.                                     2.  The bottle itself contains chemicals like
                                                                                     BPA, which mimic hormones (the body’s
     When your body has enough water, your                                           communicators).  They have been linked
     body streams are full of life and energy,                                       to health problems such as learning and
     rushing here and there; the waste disposal                                      behavioral problems, altered immune
     department (lymphatic system) is not on                                         system function, reproductive organ
     strike; the telephone and internet lines are all                                issues, diabetes and obesity.
     up and working at full speed; and the water                                     • Unfiltered tap water especially if it
     reconstitution plant is not over worked.                                        contains fluoride.  Scientists from the
                                                                                     EPA's National Health and Environmen-
     When there is not enough water, much like a                                     tal Effects Research Laboratory have
     drought, your body will send out a “drought                                     classified fluoride as a "chemical having
     alert,” a regulatory system comprised of                                        substantial evidence of developmental
     histamines and other chemicals that start rationing water to your vital   neurotoxicity” and there are many other studies being done to show the
     organs to keep you alive.  This causes many streams to become partially   dangers of fluoride.
     dried up and slow; the waste disposal workers are sluggish; communication   • Distilled water.  Short term use is okay as a detoxifier, but over time it
     becomes slow; and the water reconstitution plant is working overtime to try   can pull crucial minerals from your body and create an acidic state, where
     to keep up.  Since the streams are dried up it is harder to carry the waste   disease can take hold.
     away.  Picture trying to wash dirty dishes in a sink half-filled with dirty water
     and then having to eat off those dishes.  This sounds disgusting to most of   Lastly, Dr. Batmanghelidj’s research has uncovered the secret of water, but
     us.  How can we then think we can be healthy when our insides are being   it is not the only factor in excellent health.  Diet, exercise, sleep, relaxation,
     bathed in dirty water?                                  and a strategy for good emotional health are also crucial for excellent
     Things to be aware of or consider:                      Sources:
     • Now don’t go nuts and overdo.  That can create another problem called   Dr. Batmanghelidj “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water.”
     hyponatremia, which is rare, but it can be life threatening.  Listen to your   Brain Gym® Instructor’s Manual
     body.  If you have dark yellow urine, then you are probably not drinking   Carla Hannaford “Smart Moves”
     enough.  Your urine should be clear or pale yellow.     Biography of Dr. Batmanghelidj - Health Gift of God internet site
     • On the flip side, in our culture we drink way too much coffee, tea, sodas,   Mercola internet site
     sport drinks, and juice in place of water.  The first problem is our body
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