Page 21 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 21
Sheri told Joe about wheelchair dancing and when he moved back details and all the many emotions that emerge when we are met with a
here he became actively involved, working with The San Diego Wheel- change in lifestyle. Then Joe’s dream of moving back to his homeland
chair Dancing Organization as their dance instructor. This is a cause of Puerto Rico was brought up.
Photos Courtesy of Sheri Malvestuto that they are as passionate about as they are about each other. They Joe and Sheri had been back to Puerto Rico several times to visit his
love what they do, which I have witnessed firsthand having attended family and they absolutely loved it there. But, could they do it? Sheri’s
several Wheelchair Dancing events for the Magazine. If you truly want mom was adamant many times in her life that Sheri should take life’s
to be amazed attend one of these performances. opportunities and travel and do what she wanted to do. She had been
Since Sheri has been busy running Visiting Angels and caring for her held back, caring for her mother-in-law for 14 years in a place her
mom and Joe has been busy with Wheelchair Dancers, they decided family hated and she had made Sheri swear that she would never do
that they needed to move Joe’s mom out here so she could be cared that because of her. Sheri had a sister who had been wanting to care
for in a manner that they felt was best, so shortly after Joe relocated for mom. Joe’s mother was missing her daughter and wanted to be
to San Diego, he brought mom out to live here and she moved in with with her.
San Diego Woman
them so the two moms could be together and have the care of Visiting So, once those decisions were made and the moms were happily
Angels. “It was so cute watching the two of them. Joe’s mom and my settled in their new surroundings, there was no reason for them not to
mom had a bit of a language barrier, but they still managed to under- make this
stand each other and they got a long great.” wonderful move. Why would they not do this? They packed up what
The hectic lifestyle continued and Sheri felt that there was something they could, gave away what they could not fit, and they were off to
missing for the elderly community for which her Angels cared. So, she paradise.
decided she wanted to build an Angel home, where grown children Although Sheri and Joe will be missed by all of us in San Diego and
could bring their aging parents to stay for the day while they went to all the lives they touched and continue to touch every day, no one can
work and they wouldn’t have to worry about leaving them home alone. help but smile and be so very happy for them. Sheri lights up when
Once again the caregiver in Sheri came out and I couldn’t help but she talks about their little corner of paradise, some land that they
wonder where her energy came from and of course her desire to bought and are having a house built on. “It’s so beautiful and peaceful
be in a profession that required so much caring and love. “My mom there. The people are so happy, and even when they are waiting on
taught me very early that anytime you start to feel bad for yourself… lines they are not complaining. They just stand in line and start
help someone else. This is a very true statement. I have followed her dancing. What more could we want?”
belief all of my life.” Even in the middle of the worst moments when her As Sheri and Joe share pictures of the construction site and the
husband was suffering with Alzheimer’s Sheri managed to find time to glorious view from their new home of beautiful blue waters and lots of
bring her dog to Children’s Hospital to help cheer up sick children. swaying palm trees, Sheri adds, “We are calling this period of our life
“I learned to live in the moment, because for some of these children, LOTOS, Life on the other side”
that was all they had.” From San Diego Woman and all of our staff, and every woman who
Years have passed and their schedules have been as busy as ever, has thought about packing up and relocating to a tropical island, thank
Joe and Sheri love what they are doing and are a dedicated couple. you for showing us that dreams do come true! We wish you every bit of
Out of the blue, came an offer to Sheri to buy her business, and happiness. But most important of all… Keep on Dancing!
suddenly they were faced with a question. Do they continue on as they
have, working crazy hours, seeing each other when they could find the
time, or was this a chance for something new, something better? It
took much soul searching and contemplation. Then came the talks of