Page 18 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 18

      Poetry Corner                                                FIRE ROOSTER

      My Soul and Mind Live Disconnected

       By Maggie Ramos

          My soul wanders around
          As my spirit follows along
          around a house I used to call home.
          Nowadays I don't recognize it as my                                                    By Gerald M. Neff
          own place
                                                             After twelve months of the Year of the Monkey, and all that it
          My mind more often than not                        entailed for 2016, the Wooden Monkey burns out on the 28th of
          tells me it's time to go.                          January 2017. And from these ashes, like the ancient legend of
          I don't  know where my steps                       rebirth, there is born a shining new Phoenix Bird.  This bird is the
          would lead this body of mine.                      Fire Rooster for the Chinese New Year of 2017.
          A body that wanders around                         These Roosters in general like to show off.
          in my own home and around                          They are flamboyant and very colorful with outgoing personalities
          the world without remembering                      and a friendly way about them. They are enthusiastic and quite
          who I am nor what is next to do.                   communicative. Roosters are very entertaining, never quiet but at
                                                             the same time sensitive, but seldom show it. They are gutsy and
          My soul is disconnected from my mind.              must be at the center of attention: Roosters know more than they
          I follow my spirit by the intuition                let on and don't wish to appear too clever, but at times play the
          hidden in my deep trust.                           part of the buffoon when they don't need to, but this is just another
          Often my face expresses joy,                       way of getting attention.
          although others around me                          In the Asian communities of Latin American, Roosters enjoy the
          are not ever certain if                            fame of being pushy, big money talkers and are often ten-dollar
          happiness is what I feel.                          millionaires but they need friends and investors for their big
                                                             projects. They can be quite alluring but at the same time also very
          I think I might have had children,                 clever.
          and now I don't know them anymore.                 Love for the Rooster is serious business. They conduct all love
          My soul connects me to their spirits               affairs on their own terms, and should their partners oblige, they
 18       although I may not understand why?                 are rewarded with lavish gifts and expensive entertaining; but its
          Nor from where?                                    all about the Rooster not the courted females. Although Roosters
                                                             are dramatic and exciting lovers and have endless sexual
          I keep myself young, my joints are                 energies, they have very little imagination and expect their mates
          very active.                                       to be true; but Roosters themselves are not completely faithful.
          they allow me to exercise back and                  Roosters adore children and family life, and give them
          forth                                              considerable attention while still working hard themselves, a
          anxiously, I walk and pace all day.                unique skill. They love a challenge and often enter into occupa-
          If you ever intend to stop me or slow              tions for which they seem unsuited - but slog away until the
          me down,                                           challenge is conquered. They have an infinite capacity for hard
          I just might react with aggression                 work, which makes them very popular with their employers, but
          whether If I wanted to or not.                     inside it is all about the Rooster himself. This makes Roosters
                                                             ideal for military officers, public relations, public affairs, academic
          My soul is kind, always has been                   actors or police officers.
          But I just don't know that anymore.                 Fire adds more heat to the Rooster's already passionate and
                                                             daring personalities. They are even bolder in both their dress and
                                                             manner. They have presence and they are not swayed much by
          ©  Maggie Ramos                                    other's opinions and can often obtain high public positions in life.
                                                             This Year of the Monkey is particularly interesting as the male
                                                             candidate for our nation's highest office is a Dog of Fire, and his
                                                             lady opponent is a Swine of Fire. Elections will take place during
                                                             the present Year of the Monkey but the actual power and govern-
                                                             ing will begin in the Year of our Fire Rooster, a very volatile
                                                             situation, indeed. This is definitely not boring, hopefully double
                                                             fires can create success or the opposite would be chaos. The
                                                             future of Fire with Fire is upon us in the Year of the Fire Rooster
                                                             2017.  The old Chinese saying “ May you live in interesting times
                                                             ”but“may they be good times”. As my friend the old Chinese sage
                                                             says again “Be very careful of what you wish for, you might just get
                                                             it ”.
                                                             A big Fiery Cock-a-doodle-do and Good Luck to all
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