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Got Tight Shoulders and Neck Muscles?
By Robyn Betts,
Certified Touch for Health Instructor and Practitioner
Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor
H.H.P with American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Try this quick and easy energy exercise from 2 systems of Energy Why it works:
Kinesiology – known as “Auricular Energy” in Touch for Health, and Note the picture below: In reflexology, the location of the points that
“The Thinking Cap” in Brain Gym.® correspond to body parts found on the ear resembles an upside down
fetus. In acupuncture, the ear is known to have 400 acupuncture points
Energy Kinesiology is a fairly new science in the field of natural health. Its that are related to every mental and physical function of the body including
roots go back to a Chiropractor named George Goodheart D.C. In 1964, our emotions. By stimulating these areas/points you positively affect all
Dr. Goodheart had a patient that he was unable to help with “normal” the related systems of the body.
chiropractic therapies. Dr. Goodheart was familiar with kinesiology – the
study of the mechanics of body movement - so he tried palpating (feeling)
the muscles related to his patient’s condition. Unknowingly and by
“accident” he fixed his patient’s problem. Dr. Goodheart tried his new
findings on other patients, sometimes with success and other times not.
He was familiar with research that was done in the 1930’s and 40’s by
Osteopathic doctors that had gotten positive results. He was also familiar
with 6,000 year old Chinese medicine. He decided to try some of their
techniques on his difficult patients and, again, achieved success. With
that, Applied Kinesiology was born. He started teaching and collaborat-
ing with other chiropractors, doctors, and psychologists. One of those
chiropractors, John Thie, D.C., saw a need and had a vision to teach his
patients (and lay people all over the world) some of the simple techniques
that Dr. Goodheart and their colleagues had found. In 1973, Dr. Thie
decided to write a book, called “Touch for Health” and began teaching.
His vision was to enable everyone to have tools to help themselves be
healthier. In 1971, Dr. Paul Dennison, an educator and founder of several
learning centers in Los Angeles, saw how well some of the Touch for
Health techniques worked to enable students to learn more easily. By
1979, he and his wife, Gail, incorporated some of the techniques as well
as many other techniques from other healing modalities and made fun Other benefits that have been found using “Auricular Energy” or “The
user-friendly techniques for children and educators that could be used in Thinking Cap:”
school settings. They called their system Brain Gym®: Since that time all • improving speech and language
three systems have grown and are now being used worldwide to improve • improving active listening San Diego
both health and education. • tuning out distractions Woman
• a better range of hearing
A demonstration for the skeptics: • ability to focus more easily
• Sit up straight, but relaxed, in a chair and turn your head as far as you • improved breathing and energy
can to one side without causing any undue pain or injury to yourself. • relaxed jaw and facial muscles 15
• Notice where your muscles are tight and where there is any pain. • increased voice resonance
• Now turn your head to the other side and notice any tightness or pain on • and improved ability to speak in public, sing, and play a musical
that side. instrument.
• For an additional demonstration, you can also stand with your feet I welcome you to add this quick and simple, but effective exercise to your
shoulder width apart looking forward. daily routine for greater health and wellness.
• Turn your head and whole body to one side and notice any tightness or
pain anywhere. For more information visit:
• Now turn to the other side and notice any tightness or pain in that
To do the exercise: Touch for Heath Manual 1
• With your thumbs and index fingers you will be giving the outer edges of Brain Gym® Teacher’s Edition
your ears a firm but gentle massage. Appalachian Acupuncture Website
• Start at the top of your ears where it meets your face and gently pull back
on the outer edges of your ears to unroll them, massaging them in the
• Slowly work your way around and down each ear to the earlobes.
• Do this whole process 3 to 5 times.
• Now follow the demonstration process outlined above once again.
Now notice . . .
• You might notice how stiff your ears were at first. As you did the
exercise, did they begin to feel suppler?
• You may also notice that your ears got hot as you did the exercise.
This is normal and the heat will go away after a while.
• Do you now notice a further range of motion, less stiffness and if you had
any pain – less pain?
• Do you feel more relaxed?