Page 13 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 13

Bitchin                                Holiday Shopping

              & Moaning

              By Judith A. Habert

        We are at that time of year when presents are on everyone’s mind and   •   Extra Large shrimp prepared Scampi Style with Linguine Pasta
        words like Black Friday, Bogo, and 70% off come into play.  Since most     (6 lbs. of shrimp for 6 people)
        of us women have lived through a Black Friday, (some more than once)   •  Turkey and two types of gravy
        we know that it is truly an event especially made for women.  Those of us   •  Stuffing
        who have attempted to bring our significant other with us to experience   •  Sweet Potatoes (with Melted Marshmallows and brown sugar)
        the joy and exaltation of this revered event, have quickly realized that it   •  Green Bean Casserole
        has turned out to be a Disaster with a capital D.      •  Steamed Fresh Vegetables
        Men, for some reason, just don’t understand the joy women get at   •  Mashed Potatoes
        standing in long lines for hours on end in the very early hours of the   •  Cranberry Sauce
        morning to be one of the first shoppers into a store to get an item for 50%   •  Dessert consisted of a Cherry Pie, Apple Crumb Pie, Sweet Potato Pie,
        off.  So what if we have to camp out at 3 a.m. with thermoses of hot   and Cheese Cake.
        coffee and a tent like structure protecting us from the elements. Hell, we   Do you get the picture yet?  After the men all devoured this meal, the
        are in San Diego, what is the worst that can happen, it might drizzle.    women carefully chose the lightest items on the menu and when the men
        Being a former New Yorker, I scoff at this.  Hell, I did my Christmas   passed out on the couch, we gathered our bags, put on our sneakers and
        shopping at an outdoor flea market at Roosevelt Racetrack on December   hit all of the Thanksgiving day Pre-Black Friday sales.  We got all the
        15th with the temperature at 12 degrees and 3 layers of clothes, boots,   bargains, got back home, and hid them in the garage before any of the
        hat and scarf, hot chocolate in one hand the other gloved and shoved in   men woke up.  At which point we sat with them and planned out our
        a pocket so it might be nimble enough to be able to reach in my wallet to   method of attack for Black Friday shopping with our significant others.
        pull out crisp (actually slightly frozen) bills to pay for my purchases. We   It worked like a charm, and when our men begged us to go home after
        only ended our shopping trip when we could no longer feel both feet.  The   only 3 hours of shopping on Black Friday, we were able to guilt them into
        wimps in the group gave up when only one hand or one foot lost feeling,   taking us out for a nice lunch, since they made us cut short one of our
        but not me or my mom, we were pros, and we would risk a limb for a   favorite events of the year.  Problem Solved!
        good deal.  As would most true bargain shoppers.
        So, I really don’t want to solely pick on men for the lack of excitement and
        adventure when it comes to the holiday shopping experience.  But
        after having survived the Cabbage Patch Doll fiasco and the Talking
        Big Bird debacle of the late 1980’s, I honestly feel like I deserve
        some extra street cred.  How many of you out there can honestly
        say they lived through these historic shopping horrors?  I personally
        believe that some of my current moments of PTSD can be directly
        traced back to these events.
        I actually had a cabbage patch doll stolen out of my shopping cart
        while I turned away to select another gift for my 5-year-old daughter,
        and ended up having to go black market to buy a replacement.  My
        transaction was just short of meeting in a dark alley and dealing with
        a man in a trench coat to purchase the “gray market” cabbage “kid,”
        it was such a sleazy encounter. It actually made me feel as if I
        needed a shower after exchanging the cash for my coveted prize,
        which made my daughter scream with joy on Christmas morning.
        The Talking Big Bird was an event that still gives me the shakes
        when I talk about, so I won’t elaborate. But let’s just say it involved
        a 6 hour car ride to pay 3x what the store was selling the item for, if
        they had any available, and the woman I dealt with wore dark
        sunglasses and was missing her three front teeth.
        Yes, Christmas shopping in New York was rough, so I wanted to
        hear no complaints about long lines when my significant other joined
        me to shop.  So what if you had to elbow a few frail looking women
        to get the 50% off designer handbag. Hell, I was kind to the woman
        in the wheelchair.  But it truly wasn’t any of this that he complained
        about.  It was the long lines at the cash register, and the crowds.  Did
        he actually think that after the stores were hyping this day and the
        amazing sales it promised, that we were going to be the only ones
        that took the bait and set out at 3 am to shop?  Well, I keep insisting
        that he stay home and I attack the stores on my own, but he insists,
        so thanks to the greedy retail industry I have managed to solve
        my problem.  Here is my solution and it really is very simple:  I am
        Italian, and therefore no one blinks an eye when I put together my
        Thanksgiving dinner menu.  This year it consisted of the following:
        •  Antipasto (four types of cold cuts, four cheeses, two types of olives,
        marinated mushrooms, marinated artichoke hearts, and marinated
        red peppers in oil), bread sticks, Italian bread with butter and garlic
        •  King Crab and Corn Chowder (Thank you Costco)
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