Page 17 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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I was so       Care, and having written a book that is held up as a top resource
                                               impressed that   in her field would be enough for anyone, but not for Dr. Bunke.
                                               the more we    She is always looking for ways to make the procedures easier for
                                               spoke of her   her patients so she has created a healing cream “Recova,” that is
                                               work and the   being used not only by her patients, but by other surgeons to help
                                               amazing strides   decrease their patient’s bruising and to make the healing process
                                               that had been   more comfortable. On top of all of this, she is a wife to her
                                               made in this   wonderful  husband Mike, and a mom with two beautiful children
                                               field, the more   Ava and Aaron.  How does she manage to do all of this?
                                               interest I gained   As someone recently reminded me, if you want something done,
                                               in spreading   ask the busiest woman in the room. Dr. Nisha Bunke is definitely
                                               the word to our   that, and so much more. To learn more about her book, or to
                                               readers.  Since   pre-order a copy, visit her site
                                               learning about
                                               this, I have had
                                            conversations with                                                         San Diego
 Photo by Dawn Nicoli  readers, friends and family and found out that this is one of the                                 Woman
       best kept secrets around.  Women and men are actually suffering
       with the symptoms of varicose veins which in some cases cause
       severe pain, because they are too frightened of the old vein
       stripping procedures to go to a doctor for help.  Many individuals                                           17
       have no idea that a new and much better treatment exists.  Over
       the past few months I have been engulfed in the study of venous
       disease and issues that affect a large number of our population.
       Why, you might ask?  Although Dr. Nisha Bunke co-authored a
       600-page book entitled “The Vein Book,” with her favorite teacher
       and mentor Dr. John J. Bergan, she realized the need to inform
       the non-medical community about the changes in her field. “The
       Vein Book” was an extraordinary medical masterpiece explaining
       every possible study and treatment for venous conditions.
       “Working on the book was an amazing experience.
       I co-edited it with the late John Bergan.  It is over 600 pages, and
       it is an extensive study of all disorders of the veins and venous
       diseases.  The book includes insight from some of the most
       well-known and respected vascular surgeons in the world.”  As we
       discussed the procedures in more depth it soon became evident
       that what was needed at this point was a publication that would
       explain in laymen’s terms what actually caused these conditions,
       how to help relieve the pain, when to seek treatment, how to do
       so, and to basically let the rest of the world know how easy the
       solution could be to those unsightly and often extremely painful
       vein issues.  What would make it even better is if we could do it in
       a somewhat humorous manner, so the reading and enlightenment
       on this issue would, in itself, be enjoyable.
       We are proud and happy to say that within the next few months
       Dr. Nisha Bunke and I will be releasing her new book entitled "Are
       We Just Being Vein?" The Users Guide to Beautiful Legs.
       You would think that being a top physician in Venous and
       Lymphatic Medicine, running her own practice, La Jolla Vein
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