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Physio-Synergi a Therapy by Meridith Llewelin
The Healthy Body Mechanics
By Janice Carter-Booth
Meridith is a woman who wears many hats, her biggest most passionate one being
that of a true healer.
What is Physio-Synergi? Meridith (who developed this therapy) gave me this
definition: “It works the muscles, ligaments, and tendons to align them so they function
in a proper manner. This therapy consists of Range of motion, pressure point, and
energy work. It helps alleviate pain, improve posture, increase circulation, and reduces
stress.” She's had her own practice since 1986 and her patients include those dealing
with everyday stress, to those coming back from exercise or accidental injuries. She
works with some professional athletes helping them get back on the field.
Meridith attended Cal State Los Angeles from 1962- 66. She then obtained a degree in
Physical Education & Rehabilitation from the University Without Walls at UCSD.
She has been a Yoga teacher since 1967, and has students ranging from their mid
20's to the youngsters in their mid 90's! From 1975-85 she worked in track & field at
our very own Palomar College. Then on to the Track and Field Olympic Development
Committee from 1980 to 1982, helping them with flexibility and rehabilitation. Just this
year one of her nieces, who is trying out for the Olympics, needed her healing hands
and traveled from Oregon to get just that.
In 2010, Meridith, put on another hat and wrote a wonderful book to teach the aver-
age person how to take care of their bodies with easy stretches & exercises for any
age group. It's called the “Body Owner’s Manual”. It is the guide for caring for the 21st
Century body.
Meridith is the oldest of 5 Children. At the young age of 12, she took charge of the
house and her 4 siblings, when her Mom went to work. She still, to this day, is the
family member they all run to - even nieces and nephews - for loving care, mentoring
and shelter in all types of weather. Her door is always open to family and friends.
Besides the maternal and healing touch, she is a wonderful Chef and a party planner
including weddings. She never does anything half-measure and always works with a
10 flare of elegance and only perfection will suffice!
Photo Courtesy of Meridith Llewelin
You can find her Physio-Synergi office, in Vista. If you would like to make an
appointment or want more information, contact Meridith at 760 727 7406. You can go
to her web site at:
Holiday Care Packages for the Homeless
By Melana Preston
As the San Diego winter almost-chill sets in, we huddle happily behind While we do have a human responsibility to give and care for our fellow
our heaters and, fireplaces…huh…in San Diego? Yes, some of us are humankind in need, the question remains for many of us, especially as
that cold. Or we just love the cozy nostalgia of a warm, crackling fire in a women, how do we give in safe, responsible and appropriate ways?
fireplace, donned with stockings and holiday décor. Since then, I’ve started purchasing inexpensive fleece throw blankets
We head out to brave the crazy crowds and holiday traffic and pass that and stashing them in my car, somewhere within reach while driving. I
disheveled person on the corner with a sign that reads “Anything helps, leave one or two up front and the others in the trunk to replenish when
God bless.” We want to stop, but giving money seems perhaps necessary. An avid traveler and humanitarian for many years, often
impersonal or irresponsible. A moment of panic ensues while stopped living out of a backpack in remote places with limited resources, I’ve
at the light, the person standing on the median next to our window. “Uh, discovered that a few small items go a long way. For instance, heavy
what do I do? Do I make eye contact? I only have a $20 on me, uhh...” duty garbage bags and ziplock bags to keep my belongings dry and
We awkwardly deliberate while waiting for the light to change. “Oh, its organized (always a commodity), and fleece blankets to keep my body
green, I guess I have to go.” We drive away and for a few blocks think, heat in. As a person of faith, a few verses of hope, or notes of
“should I go back? I don’t really have time. Is it safe?” A lingering sense encouragement from friends along the way, give an extra boost to keep
of guilt mixed with compassion and responsibility follows us a few more me going on challenging days.
blocks until our cell phone distracts us with a text alert. This year, I decided to get organized. No more stuff rolling around in
A few years back I started leaving snack-pack sized almonds and trail disarray on the floor of my car. I compiled everything into ziplock bags
mix in my car along with bottles of water to keep me fed while on-the-go. with a few extras. You can keep these packages in your car and have
Approaching a stoplight one day, I noticed a man in need holding a sign them ready to give at your discretion and you don't have to break the
asking for help. I only had a few seconds before the light would change, bank either. Here's the breakdown (all items from Walmart with
so I rolled down the window and handed off a bottle of water and a approximate prices): Gallon Ziplock bags, $4; Contractor-strength Heavy
package of almonds. I told the man “I know it’s not much but I hope it Duty Garbage Liners, $8; Trail Mix, $4; Flashlight/Headlamp (includes
helps.” The man nodded and returned a heartfelt “thank you so much, I batteries), $1; Hand-warmers, $0.75; Bottled Water, $4; Fleece Blanket,
appreciate the gesture” in appreciation. $2.50. Handwritten note of prayer and encouragement, hopefully
I approached another light a few days later and handed off a bottle of priceless? (For everything else, there’s Mastercard.) You can add items
water and trail mix to a different weather-worn individual holding a sign like socks and Subway gift cards if you get the inspiration.
and said the same thing. Instead, the person responded with a look of These care packages aren’t likely to turn someone’s life around, but
disgust and remarked “you can’t spare some change?” Ouch. “Well, I may help keep them a little more warm and dry for a night. Life on the
guess that’s a good way to determine who might use a monetary gift streets is rough, cold and lonely. Keeping these care packages in your
irresponsibly. And, either way he still needs water, food and a little car provide a safe and responsible way to offer an ounce of hope and
warmth” I concluded. The reality is that sometimes giving is just simply encouragement to a person in need.
that. Giving. With no expectations of the outcome or how it’s received or
returned. Giving. Simply because it’s the right thing to do in that moment.