Page 7 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Robert Tussey Carol LeBeau Sharon Hightower Gerald Neff Debbie Storms Sondra Jane Smith
Robert has been a Carol LeBeau spent Sharon Hightower is a native With more than 40 years Debbie has enjoyed many Sondra Jane Smith is the
published writer for close to 30 years as a of California, and has lived living and working in careers from accountant founder of Maximum Impact
over thirty years and beloved fixture on San in Chicago and Guadalajara, South America in the to air traffic controller. Writing, a different kind of
has been providing Diego News. Today MX. She earned an MA in agriculture and forestry She believes life is an freelance writing company
editing services for she is enjoying her Teaching English as a Second business, topped off with adventure to be lived to whose focus is on writing
the past twenty-five. retirement, as well as Language (TESOL) from 25 years in the U.S. Em- its fullest. Growing up in for the maximum amount
As a musician, he a second career as an CSULA some 20 years ago, bassy and Peace Corps. New Jersey, she learned of impact with the minimum
has written scores of in demand speaker at but recently completed her His writing experience life skills to help her number of words. Sondra is
songs. His life has functions throughout MBA at Point Loma. A busy includes local publica- practice that credo. Her a lawyer with a passion for
revolved around his San Diego. In addition woman with 9 grandchildren, tions and years of U.S. passion for travel has the environment, community
music and writing, to her many speaking she combines teaching with Embassy reports; so sit taken her to many parts affairs and the performing
often melding the engagements, Carol her love of writing. back and enjoy the ride. of the world. She is now arts, particularly classical
two into articles and is a columnist for San Gerald Neff can be con- focusing on writing about music. She lives in South-
interviews. Diego Woman speak- tacted at 760 796 4877 her travels and interview- west Escondido overlook-
ing about life after her ing entertainers, which is ing Lake Hodges with her
news career. a great combo! beloved husband Bob.
Robyn Betts
Robyn earned her BA in Carol
Art from SDSU, but due Carol is a Certified Clinical Janice Carter-Booth
Deeba Van Maggie Ramos to chronic illness, she Hypnotherapist; a Reiki Teresa Hawker
Overberghe chose to be a stay-at- Master/Teacher; she is Janice Carter-Booth is a Teresa retired after a thirty
year career in the “high tech”
certified in a myriad of
massage therapist who
home mom. Her “career
Daughter of an artist, Maggie is an artist who path” changed when alternative modalities loves spending time industry in San Diego, CA. San Diego Woman
began writing poetry,
Deeba grew up with family members struggled including Color and Sound with any amount of her During her career, she
the influence of art all painting and taking with illness and she was therapy, Chakra therapy, 15 grandchildren. Her traveled to numerous places,
photos in her early
around her. Deeba has introduced to natural Reflexology, Cranial favorite activities are both nationally and
dedicated the last 14 teens. Maggie bonds health. She now has and Lomi lomi massage swimming and writing. internationally. Today, six
some of her pieces
years to refining her 24 years’ experience as and developed her own years into retirement, she
artistic talents and together; text that a practitioner/instructor hands on healing method loves the occasional road
reflects into a poem,
abilities in Fine and in natural health and is called Tender Loving trip, its many stops along the
Decorative Arts and with a moment she compassionate about Touch which she taught to way. Teresa enjoys sharing
captured in a frame.
Illustration. She has Ramos finds her inspi- sharing her knowledge. doctors, nurses and other her
illustrated books here She would also like to health care providers as adventures and curiosities
in San Diego, painted rations in Spanish and raise public awareness part of the CEU programs about life as a freelance
English. She has also
murals as far away as of abuse, mental illness, in northern California writer in this, her “third act”.
Indonesia and flown to previously published and suicide through her before she moved to
"Vague Vivid
places like Wyoming writing. southern California
and Hawaii for Memories", a earlier this year. Carol is a
collection of photos of
Decorative Painting. published author, a retired
self-experiences. Her
art paintings have been teacher and entrepreneur.
published in the
Tidepools Journal from
Mira Costa College,
where she currently
San Diego
Malena Preston
Melana Preston is a
freelance writer, editor and
non-profit consultant with
a background in Marketing
and Project Management.
She has a B.A. in Cultural
Anthropology and has spent Dawn Nicoli
much of the last 15 years For over 20 years Dawn has
doing humanitarian and owned and operated Nicoli
disaster relief work around Productions, an environmental
the world. Her personal portrait studio, run out of her
mission is to connect needs two acre property in Escondido.
with resources locally and Starting a new chapter of her life,
globally in a variety of when serenity has become so
capacities. She can be important, Dawn spends her time
contacted at in her palapa tree house with her dog, Karma, exploring the world
of writing.