Page 3 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
P. 3

“I wanted a company that would improve the lives
                                 of everyone it touched. “    Dr. Forrest Shaklee ~ 1956

                       It Was My Time to Take Control of My

                                           Health & Finances

               At the young age of two, I was                                    I was the type of person who
              At the young age of two, I was diag-
               diagnosed with cancer and
              nosed with cancer and had my kid-                                  bounced from job to job. I had no
               had my kidney removed.
              ney  removed.  Growing up, my body                                 idea what I wanted except I knew
               Growing up, my body would
              would wear out faster than every-                                  helping people was my passion. I
               wear out faster than all my
              one’s and I would get sick all the                                 taught preschool for a year and dis-
               friends and I would get sick
              time. I thought this was normal.      Before                       covered it was restricting me from
               all the time. I thought this
              Shaklee has given me:                                              what I wanted.
               was  normal.
                 More energy                                                    Shaklee has given me:
               Shaklee has given me:
                   Stronger immune system                                         Time freedom
                  More energy
                                                                                    The ability to travel the world with
                   Stronger muscles                                               my husband
                  Gluten Free products
                   Healthier life style                                           The opportunity to help people reach
                  Stronger immune system
                                                                                    their financial goals
                  Stronger muscles
                   Self– confidence
                                                                                    The financial security to move from
                  Healthier life style
                   Life long friends                                              Colorado to San Diego
                  Self confidence                                                  The flexible work schedule        San Diego  Woman
                 The avenue to be in the best
                  shape of my life                                                 The platform to create a business
                  Life long friends
                                                After—50 lbs lighter                where I can relate and teach others
                   The ability to recover from sur-                               how to lose weight and keep it off
                  The avenue to keep the weight
                  off & the best shape of my life
                 gery quickly                                                                                         3
                                                                                    The  ability  to enjoy life at age 23
                  The ability to recover from
                  surgery quickly

                     Take Control of your Health     &    Take Control of your Life
                                  Answer 20 easy questions  and receive:
                            a FREE health evaluation and a FREE sample pack!
                   Go to       (858) 314-9864
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