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Fabulous Finds
Pizza pan and Cutter
BlissLights What better person to test out the T-fal AirBake Pizza Pan and
Light up your world, or at least your home with this great new T-fal Ingenio Pizza Cutter than an Italian from New York? Having
product. I had the pleasure of trying BlissLights Motion Firefly had some of the best pizza around in both New York and Italy,
Laser Projector. What a pleasure it was to use Blisslights to I have to say the pizza I made with my favorite recipe and these
decorate this year instead of the usual house lighting fiasco of great pizza tools came out better than it ever had before.
bulbs that wouldn’t light or strands getting tangled. As advertised The T-fal Ingenio Pizza Cutter is extremely durable and is made of
these lights transform your home and garden with thousands of heat-resistant Tritan that seamlessly slices through pizza without
breathtaking moving pin points. These lights are wonderful to damaging the pan. The Tritan also prevents the cheese from
add a festive glow for the holidays, but they are not limited to that sticking to the cutter and the detachable wheel makes for a
alone. They make the perfect year round decoration to make your worry-free clean-up / Amazon,
backyard stand out since they are weather resistant and energy Want to whip up the perfect pizza without burning the crust? The
efficient and can transform a normal backyard into a glistening T-fal AirBake Pizza Pan allows users to create perfectly baked
oasis. For more information visit their website at https://blisslights. pizza 15% faster. AirBake uses a clever double-layer technology to
com/ provide an overall enhanced baking performance ... meaning
better browning, no burning, and decreased bake times!
ciao! baby The Portable High Chair Secur Solar Power Bank
I only wish that when my children were small such a wonderful Not sure what to get your rugged outdoorsy significant other for
product existed as this incredible new portable highchair. Christmas? A way to hit every sweet spot and become the best
Created for families on the go with small children, ciao! baby is girlfriend/wife is to get him a mulit-use gadget that brings out his
a time saving, transportable highchair created for babies up to inner kid. Secur Products SP-3000 is an ultra-high efficiency solar
toddlers 3 years old. This user-friendly, no-fuss, freestanding chair cell phone charger, built-in LED flashlight and room light, has a
with its proprietary flexible seat and tray requires no assembly. lithium battery, and a carabiner & stand. Let’s face it what man
With a cup holder built-in and a clear vinyl tray cover, it easily doesn’t like gadgets, especially one that will keep his cell phone
wipes clean and the chair unfolds easily, locks into place and folds on. What makes this even better is that no batteries are
up in seconds when parents and their tots are ready to go. Ciao! necessary. The Secur Products SP-3000 is powered by the sun,
Baby provides an added sense of calm knowing your baby is so he can bring it camping, fishing or for long walks on the beach.
dining on his own highchair wherever you take him to eat. Ciao! Find more information at
Baby is perfect for picnics, travel, tailgating, camping and
everything in between! Tested and approved to meet ASTM high
For more information visit them at