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Active Edge sleep shirt                                 Frownies Aroma Therapy Cellulite Cream
       Anyone with sleep issues will tell you that they will try anything to   We all hate those horrid little pockets of fat known as cellulite.
       just get a good night’s sleep.  Being a sufferer myself, I was thrilled   Frownies knows how much we hate it too so they have shared with
       to hear about Active Edge™ Sleep Shirts.                us their wonderful Aroma Therapy Cellulite Cream.
       A good night's sleep is essential for overall wellness and   For four generations, Frownies has been run by a family of women
       maintaining a good quality of life.  Active Edge™ is the first   committed to ageless beauty since 1889. Understanding that
       technology capable of infusing and embedding a recipe of electro-  injections and surgery aren’t the answer, Frownies are highly
       magnetic frequencies into fabrics and other materials.   nourishing, luxurious skin treatments of potent, all-natural
       Developed here in America, Active Edge™ products are geared to   anti-aging antioxidants that effectively address the physical causes
       help improve sleep, and more specifically, REM restorative sleep.   of lines, wrinkles and cellulite. This amazing super-cream
        In their clinical trials participants wearing Active Edge™   combines 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils, with natural
       products treated with their technology of electromagnetic frequen-  caffeine and plankton making it a perfect beauty regimen to
       cies reported a significant improvement in sleep quality. This is   smooth out cellulite and bring back the confidence we used to
       defined as the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep longer. There   possess. San Diego Woman Magazine’s staff are not the only ones
       was also a significant decrease in soreness, stiffness and pain   who enjoy using Frownies.   Frownies are a Hollywood favorite
       from the back and neck. Study participants also reported that   used by classic beauties like Olivia de Havilland and hot trendy
       improved quality of sleep led to improvements in their quality of life   new stars like Rashida Jones.  Other celebrity fans include Missy
       due to an increase in alertness. If you are looking to get a great   Pyle, Rene Russo, and the always beautiful and ageless Raquel
       night’s sleep, wear Active Edge™ products to bed. If it could help   Welch.
       me, who barely could sleep a few hours at a time, I am sure it will   Hey, if it is good enough for Raquel Welch then look out
       help give you that restful sleep you desire.            San Diego, we will be rocking those hot new bikinis next season
                                                                                                                      San Diego  Woman
                                                               showing off amazing results.


       Renpure Hair Products
       My hair never looked or smelled as good as it has since I started   Key Socks
       using Renpure Hair Products. My favorite is the Coconut Shampoo   Have you ever had a pair of boots that look great but are just not
       and Conditioner.  Besides the radiance of my hair, the healthy glow   comfortable. You know that if only you could put a pair of socks
       and tropical smell sweeps you away.                     on that would help make your boots more comfortable.  Socks
       Renpure is dedicated to creating unique formulas that use natural   however will show and ruin the look of those sexy new boots.  That
       ingredients and extracts sourced from around the world. Whether   was until this great new invention, Key Socks. From plushy velvet
       it’s a dry, frizzy mane or dull, lifeless locks, they have a unique   to leather moto over-the-ankle booties, the new 2016 styles are
       solution to help reverse hair damage and bring back that beautiful   coming in hot. When you trade in your basic black or brown boot
       glow.                                                   to upgrade to a killer ankle bootie with a little extra flair and spunk,
       Their Originals Coconut Cream series hydrates parched hair,   don’t forget to grab the socks to rock with your arsenal of booties.
       helping get its natural oils and nutrients back in balance. The   KEYSOCKS are the first knee high keyhole cut out non-visible
       Coconut Rinses away impurities while adding weightless moisture   sock that wears perfect with Fall ankle boots. Not only does the
       with their Advanced Bamboo Coconut Water.               sock make it fit like Cinderella, it also prevents blisters and adds a
         All of Renpure’s products are free of sulfates, parabens, harsh   little cushion to your step.
       salts, dyes, and gluten for quality that can be seen and felt with   For more information visit their site at
       every wash.
       For more information about Renpure, visit
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