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Book Review
Being Equal Doesn’t Mean Being The Same
Why Behaving Like a Girl Can Change Your Life and Grow Your Business
By Joanna L. Krotz
I have read dozens of business books over the years and this was by far the best one to date.
It touched upon some very interesting concepts regarding age old beliefs about women business
owners and how women compete in male work environments.
Joanna makes the point that instead of trying to compete in a male centric business environment of
corporate America, where women are in a constant struggle for “pay and parity within rigid
corporate precincts when the lines keep wavering, the goalposts keep moving and the battle
is never won?” A point she clearly makes for women to use the very specific talents that they
possess to move forward in their own environment, start their own business and control their own
This book is extremely uplifting, containing stories of women’s successes in the business arena and
promoting the fact that women can change the world and their lot in life by striking out on their own
in a male environment without losing those very unique qualities that make them female. Often the
concept of starting your own business will surface after motherhood occurs and the need for flexibil-
ity becomes a major issue. Women want to set their own hours so they can be there for all of the special events and milestones
of their children’s lives. Before very long they realize how good they are at running the show and new successful female run busi-
nesses emerge.
If you are struggling with your career path, or feel as if you are constantly fighting an uphill battle in a male dominated business
world, you need to read Being Equal Doesn’t Mean Being the Same. I read it and it totally changed my outlook on women in busi-
In addition Chapter 15 at the end of the book provides listings of some amazing resources for women. Just about everything you
need to start and run your own business is listed in this chapter, digital tools for running your business, training and mentoring,
Women’s Business Certifying Groups, and Female friendly funding…just to name a few.
As a working woman, you need to read this book. It will open your eyes and get you moving in the right direction. You can’t help
but be motivated after reading Joanna’s book. Don’t waste any more time trying to fight your way up the ranks. Purchase a copy
40 today and move forward with that business idea you have been thinking about. Joanna's book is available on
Suddenly Single After 50: The Girlfriends' Guide to
Navigating Loss, Restoring Hope, and Rebuilding
Your Life
by Barbara Ballinger and Margaret Crane
So many women experience the same life changing situations as the authors of this wonder-
ful new book. Suddenly Single After 50 talks about some very real issues, in a very frank yet
humorous manner. It allows all of us women who have been through either the death of a
spouse or the divorce, stand tall again and realize that there is life on the other side. It might
be different, and yes it might be alone, but life goes on and if we approach life from the right
perspective, we can go on too, healed and ready to handle what life has to offer.
In Suddenly Single After 50 long-time friends Barbara Ballinger and Margaret Crane write
candidly about their experiences and offer an inspiring guide to living a full life when you’re
suddenly on your own. These friends were actually faced with the same outcome due to very
different circumstances. Plus both had aging parents to care for in the midst of their own pain.
The divorce was a drawn out event which took 4 years for Barbara, and Margaret’s husband
passed away after battling cancer for five years. This book goes into not only the feelings
encounter surrounding the loss, but all of the details of suddenly being in charge of running your life alone, doing things that you
never did before, at a time in life when you should be thinking about milestone anniversaries and future grandchildren. In addi-
tion, they enter into the world of dating again, after being with the same men since graduating college.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, or know someone else who is, you must buy this book for them. It will be the best gift
you could possible give them. Suddenly Single After 50 is available through