Page 39 - Dr. Nisha Bunke
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Better Habits For Better Health

                                                                        By: Master Joseph Suyat Angeles

       The greatest lesson that I've learned through Martial Arts is my   (Duhigg). Here is where you must apply your newfound knowledge
       knowledge of how habits work. My understanding comes from   of habits to your life. Be observant of your routines and replace
       almost 14 years of educating myself on the art of Tae Kwon Do.   actions with more productive behaviors in order to reduce your
       I've witnessed hundreds of students I've nurtured and trained with   stress. For example, if you want to improve your daily exercise to
       become highly achieved and healthy human beings.         increase your overall health, every time you start your exercise
           However, It isn't simply our habit of exercise that makes us   routine, add an extra set every week and reward yourself with a
       healthy. Understanding how to create and improve our general   drama free tv show or cup of wine. This routine when repeated over
       habits can largely contribute to improving overall health. You may   a long period of time eventually becomes a habit wherein every
       be thinking to yourself, why should I be aware of my habits? The   time your start your routine, you no longer need to worry about
       simple truth is that our habits govern a majority of our daily routines.   initiating improvement because your habit does it for you. You not
       These habits dictate whether you'll get up when your alarm first   only can improve existing habits, but you can create them to fit your
       goes off or if you'll hit the snooze button. Our brains cannot   lifestyle. For instance if you want to learn a new language to
       automatically filter habits that have a good or bad impact on our   prepare yourself for a future vacation, you must first choose a cue.
       lives (Duhigg). Being able to distinguish the benefits of your habits   For example, before going to bed, take an online lesson on the
       can greatly increase your overall health and prosperity in life.   language of your choice. Eventually you no longer need to think
           It is important to recognize the effects our habits have on our   about taking the lesson because the new habit will take over the
       general health, including its correlation to stress. It's common   responsibility of initiating that routine.
       knowledge that large amounts of stress on the human body can       The amount of variations you can do with this habit loop mean
       greatly increase health risk. This is explained by the American   it can be used in every aspect of your life. It's upon you to decide
       Psychological Association that stress is a natural reaction   what kind of routines will best improve your overall mental health
       developed by our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from   and lessen stress. You must determine whether a habit will change
       danger. When faced with danger our bodies automatically flood with   your life for the better or worse. Just like humans, our habits are
       hormones to boost energy to prepare us to address the problem.   unique to us because no one has the same perspective of life and
       During modern times our fight and flight response has evolved to   happiness. Improve your health, wellness, and beauty by gaining
       intervene with the current state of responsibilities: grocery shop-  mindfulness of your habits; you won't regret it.
       ping, deadlines, bills and childcare. The APA also mentions that
       multiple studies have shown that our bodily response may trigger                                                San Diego
       heart attacks, arrhythmias and even sudden death (                                                   Woman
       You must remember that our habits have the ability to reduce the
       amount of stress we endure each day. Our daily routines which
       may include preparing your kids for school or doing the laundry can
       go by in a flash, without much notice. Within those situations your                                            39
       stress levels are low and it feels like you're just going through the
       motions. These instances illustrate a truth about habits which are
       best explained by Charles Duhigg in his book The Power of Habit, a
       New York Times bestseller. We may never remember where or how
       our habits form, but once they're created they influence how we
       act - often without notice (Duhigg). The cause is the ability of our
       brains to create habits from 3 separate aspects; a cue followed by a
       routine and ending in a reward. This habit loop explained by Duhigg
       reduces our stress in our daily lives because we no longer are
       responsible for creating a solution to address a certain problem.
       Our brains automatically have hundreds or even thousands of
       habits in order to deal with the various responsibilities we have   Anthony Hong Tae Kwon Do
       every day.                                                   12265 Scripps Poway Parkway #106, Poway, CA 92064
       Here's a personal example of a habit reducing a stressful event like
       defending yourself from an attacker. The common response to a               (858)547-0080
       physical threat from an attacker may trigger a fight or flight
       esponse. However years of training in the Martial Arts have allowed  Master Joseph Suyat Angeles has been training Martial Arts for over half of his own lifetime, an
       me to stay calm while faced with an attacker because the force of   astonishing 14 consecutive years. As a native of San Diego he prides himself in trying to improve his
       habit diffused the majority of the stress. The attacker lunged at me   immediate community by influencing his students to be  productive and positive human beings. He
                                                                believes that if we want to create a better community we must all take responsibility in improving
       with his fist, but since I programmed myself to respond to such an   ourselves and  inspiring others to do the same. Master Joseph went to SDSU earning a bachelors
       attack, my body automatically could block, dodge or strike. The cue   degree in Psychology, taking classes that emphasized upon: Learning, Child Development and Behavior.
       is represented by the punch, the routine consists of the parries and   He utilizes what he has learned at SDSU to help him better train and teach his students, allowing them
                                                               to realize their true potential.  He believes the pursuit of self-actualization, the realization of one's talents
       attacks, and the reward is the end of the dangerous event. It is in   and potential is the key to success and happiness. With over 10 years of teaching experience he has
       this type of situation that the force of habit can protect a person's   seen the effectiveness of Martial Arts on the human condition. For he believes we must train ourselves
       life.                                                   mentally and physically to sustain the amount of stress we must endure in our lifetime. And if we are able
           Habits aren't permanent and by learning to observe the cues and   to condition ourselves to sustain great stress physically and mentally we are then able to pursue our life
                                                               goals much easier.
       rewards, we can change the routines to better improve our lives
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