Page 16 - Dr Pamela Peeke
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Here are some routines that can help balance a stressful life: 1. Take a few calming breaths. Breathe a little slower and
deeper than normal. When you breathe in, visualize your
1. Exercise regularly. Create a well-rounded program that breath going all the way down into your stomach, and on the
includes strength, flexibility and cardiovascular training. Con- exhale relax as completely as you can.
sult your physician. 2. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this situation?” Focus
2. Eat nutritious meals. Avoid junk foods. Maintain a bal- first on what you can do to make the most of the current situ-
anced diet with ample fresh fruits and vegetables (choose ation, and then what you can do to avoid this situation in the
organic when possible). future.
3. Make time for relaxation. Build time for fun and restful 3. Share your thoughts and feelings. Within our society is a
activities into your schedule. This isn't merely a reward for common, but misguided, belief that succumbing to stress is
working hard, it's a way to allow your body to recover and a sign of weakness. This can make us reluctant to admit to
revitalize. others that we are struggling. But talking with a supportive
4. Learn how to calm your mind and body. Discover which friend or mentor is one of the most effective ways of reducing
habits and practices help you calm down. Mind/body prac- stress.
tices such as yoga, meditation or Tai Chi are often effective. 4. Turn stress into motivation. In some cases you can turn
Some people find regular massages or soaking in a hot tub your frustrations into motivation for bringing about construc-
relaxing, too. tive change. This might mean resolving to do something, or
5. Get organized. Plan ahead so that you avoid stressful it could mean standing up for yourself and “speaking your
situations. If you find yourself continuously worrying about truth”. However, make sure you are acting out of resolve to
things you need to do, keep a notepad or voice recorder improve the situation and not simply venting your anger.
handy so you can record them as you think of them. 5. Refocus your mind. When you find you are constantly
6. Keep a positive attitude. Approach challenges as op- thinking about a stressful situation, refocus your mind on
portunities to learn. Don't dwell on things that bother you. something else. You might turn to a hobby or game, or listen
Instead, make it a regular practice to find things to appreci- to music that you enjoy.
ate in your life.
7. Develop a support network. Find friends, family members, Because stress has become an integral part of our lives,
clergy, or professional counselors that you can turn to. it is important to find ways to allow our bodies to rest and
recover. A comprehensive approach includes doing what we
Dealing with stressful situations can to live a low stress life-style, and dealing effectively with
stressful situations as they arise. Stress reduction strategies
Even though life-style changes can help keep our stress lev- are not a substitute for medical care. If you have physical
16 els down, all of us are likely to experience stressful situations or emotional symptoms, you should consult your healthcare
at one time or another. Here are some strategies for dealing provider. But we all can take steps to reduce our stress
constructively with stressful events as they arise: levels. This improves the quality of our lives as well as our
health and vitality.
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Issue 2, 2009