Page 18 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 18

Feathering A New Nest

                 Decorating a new abode post-divorce is a recipe for self-discovery

                                                                                        By Joanna Pompilio

     To say that life post-divorce is full of complexities is an understate-   Work with what you have
     ment. Decorating a new abode shouldn’t be one of them. What
     is commonly referred to as “divorce design” can be liberating and   Start with the pieces of furniture and the accessories that remain
     ultimately, a healing process. Think of this as a fresh start to create   from the previous home.  Just one piece can be the starting block
     a personal sanctuary.                                   to create a new color scheme or particular look and is often easier
                                                             than starting completely from scratch.
     Make a game plan
                                                             Try using existing furniture in a new way to give it a fresh look. A
     It is tempting to give an entire house or apartment a makeover.   small sideboard makes an ideal large bedside table or hall piece. A
     Instead of dealing with the entire home, plan from room to room to   bench from the end of a bed could be the perfect coffee table. This
     keep your sanity and budget intact.  When first looking at an area,   is the time to reinvision the function of your favorite pieces.
     try to visualize how it should look when it is completed. Consider
     what the space is used for and how much foot traffic it regularly   Decorate the room that is the heart of the house first. Whether
     sees. For a new place to fit                                                          most of the action happens
     with any lifestyle, all these                                                         in the living room, kitchen
     things must be considered                                                             or a bedroom – the furnish-
     to ensure maximum usabil-                                                             ings in the room most lived in
     ity for every room.                                                                   become the building blocks
                                                                                           for decorating the rest of the
     Are there any collections                                                             home. Focus on how every
     that could be displayed                                                               day is spent in that beloved
     prominently? Is there a                                                               space.
     favorite fabric, painting, or
     piece of furniture? Often-
     times, small but precious                                                             Maximize Space
     items serve as a catalyst
     for the rest of the home’s                                                            For some, moving into a
     design. An entire theme                                                               smaller space means facing
 18  can be built around those                                                             new decorating challenges.
     little somethings that are
                                                                                           When choosing furniture,
     so special, utilizing similar                                                         keep the scale small to pre-
     colors, themes and styles.                                                            vent overpowering the room.
      An empty room with no                                                                Remember, small spaces
     focus can be overwhelm-                                                               should be bright, and clutter-
     ing unless there is a strong                                                          free.  Folks in small spaces
     sense of style and direc-                                                             often try to get the room they
     tion. This is a time when                                                             want by moving furniture
     browsing through books by                                                             to the edges, but this kills
     a favorite architect, picking                                                         warmth. Furniture should
     up magazines on interior                                                              float in the room, so gradually
     design, and perusing those                                                            move it from the walls. Start
     favorite stores will come in                                                          by moving it at least a foot
     handy.                                                                                away, then take a step back
                                                                                           and examine if it needs to be
     Start by keeping a picture                                                            moved another few inches or
     file of all unique pieces dis-                                                        feet depending on the look
     covered by happenstance.                                                              desired.
     Hit the high-end furniture
     stores for ideas and mo-                                                              Light gives life to rooms,
     tivation. Don’t feel pres-                                                            when windows are obscured
     sured to buy at this stage,                                                           by plants and furniture it dark-
     although one exquisite                                                                ens the entire mood of the
     piece of furniture is often                                                           area. When the curtain rods
     all that is needed to turn a                                                          extend beyond the window
     room around. If the budget                                                            frames, the curtains allow in
     is tight, check out flea markets, antique stores and garage sales.   more light and draw the eye outward. Windows are the eyes of the
     Take a camera along and be sure to write down store names, prices   room, and when they are covered your place will seem smaller.
     and dimensions (all of which usually happen to be on price tags, so
     snap away!).

                                                  Issue 2, 2009
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